Chapter 10

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Katsuki's leg bounced up and down impatiently. This is taking too long. He sighed and jolted up from the chair just outside the infirmary.

It had been two weeks; Izuku seemed far away, too far.

Recovery Girl had called the boy into her office and once Katsuki heard it, he wanted to be there for Izuku. I had his eyes locked onto the clock that ticked as it hung irksomely. Something is off… And that’s when Izuku came out of the infirmary. He seemed pale, distant again. 

“Hey, you good, nerd?” He asked, hesitant to make physical contact; because he knows, he knows how much Izuku hates it until he can't stand without it and breaks. Izuku stays silent, eyes unfocused, he doesn’t reply. 


The greenette snaps his head up, curls bouncing as he does, that’s when Katsuki sees his eyes red and swollen, glistening with tears threatening to spill. “What’s wrong? Did RG say anything?” still no answer. 

“It’s um, nothing… I’m going to go to my dorm, I guess I’ll see you at dinner, Kacchan.” he says and leaves, heading to the dorms without looking back, leaving the blond standing and at a loss of words. 




He had gained weight. I gained weight. I fucking gained weight. Shit. This wasn't supposed to happen, not this early on anyway. How could've I been so careless?!

I need to burn it off.

Grabbing his phone, he dialed Aizawa, asking for permission to go home, which he agreed to rather too quickly. 

Izuku's hands shook as he changed his clothes, having a war within his head about looking into the mirror. Just the fact that he couldn't feel his chest bones poked him up while his arms screamed to be butched left and right. 

He made sure to leave without being seen, especially to Katsuki. Kacchan will know. He always knows. I can't even risk it. It's out of the question.

Izuku's mind was sent: burn it all off. So he headed straight to the beach thus begun the clock for a long long jog. 

He constantly checked his watch, time seemed to pass slower the more he ran and ran and ran. It felt endless. It was endless since he'd been going in literal circles; no matter how hard his knees trembled, how disgusting he felt from the sweat trickling down his chin, he didn't stop until the two hour goal was achieved. 

His feet stumbled and he found himself on the sand beneath his feet, his breath uneven, rickety. 

It's worth it. He told himself. Now that he thought about it, he said that a lot. More so then ever since All Might went away. But that's okay because it's worth it. 

Izuku's phone rang, he answered the phone without looking at the caller's ID, brain foggy and dim. He could just sleep here. No one ever came around anyway…


"Izuku, your Sensei called saying you asked for permission to come home, he also said you left almost three hours ago, I got so worried… are you okay baby?" 

Izuku wanted to scream. Screams his lungs out until he coughed up blood. If it wasn't for her, Katsuki wouldn't have found him with bloody knuckles in his room; Aizawa wouldn't have taken him to Recovery Girl and he wouldn't have gained weight.

He didn't wanna go home. 

"I'm fine, mom. Just thought I'd stop by the cafe near the beach, I'll be home soon." 

"I really wish you'd told me honey, I—"

He didn't want to hear her anymore. Cutting the older woman off, he spoke with a cold-hearted tone as he slipped his pack out of his pocket. 

"Bye, mom." 

And just like that he hung up as he lit his cigar, still laying on the sand; listening to the evening wind making the waves dance peacefully. 




The second Izuku stepped foot at the house, Inko could tell something was really wrong. But she stayed silent. At least for a good ten seconds. 

"Were you in a damn bar or a cafe you stick! I can almost see the smoke coming out of you, young man!" 

Count to 10.

Izuku gritted his teeth. His palm holding the door handle getting tighter and tighter, wanting to rip something off.

Count to 10. 

"The least you can do is answer, Izuku."

Count to fucking 10.

"I don't even know what's going on with you anymore, ever since Toshinori—"

Screw it.

"I fucking smoked. And you have no right to talk about him. You didn't even know him!"

It was relieving to let it all out, to express his anger freely but then… It feels hard to breathe. Why does this always… happen..? 

"And I haven't been able to- to..!" He could feel his vision fading the harder he stood up against the dizziness whilst fighting of the fog in his head. Before he know, he collapsed, back slipping through the painted wall behind him. 


Inko knelt down in front of him, hands raising to reach his forehead, but it was snapped aside by her son's.

"D-D'nt t'ouch me!" 

Izuku couldn't keep the tears from flowing. He felt sick for gaining, embarrassed for how he'd let his guard down and let his mother see the state he was in. 

"Talk to me, what's wrong..? Hey, Izuku, breathe. It's okay." 

Except it's not fucking okay.

That's when a heavy wave of nausea hit. Izuku brought his hand to his mouth, struggling to get up as he refused to accept Inko's help, he finally reached the bathroom. 

It burned.

It burns. 

It feels like my entire body is on fire… what's going on? 

"Wh't's wrong with m-me..?" 

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