"What... What did I..? What did I d-do..?"
Izuku looked at his hands as his entire body quivered, blood. That was all he saw, from his fingertips to his elbows, dripping from the ripped parts of his hero costume, under his nails, darker inside his palm... His right hand was the worst, he could barely make out his skin, let alone the scars painting his arm left and right.
His body stumbled back, once, twice, he fell. The ground felt like cotton, everywhere he looked, he saw flames, blue flames with the dark smoke being cherry on top. The entire battleground was a desert, barren with ashes.
The boy's eyes drifted forward, a body... His lips parted in shock but nothing came out. All the screaming and cries, the tears he had shed, they'd left him sore.
The red leaked from the lifeless body in front of him. Izuku told himself it was that stolen cape he wore. It had to be. He couldn't have done that to- to anybody. Yeah, he couldn't even hurt a fly..! He didn't! He--
Izuku let the tears fall once again, muffled. He crawled to the body, his legs wouldn't work, he could barely feel his arms for that matter. As soon as he got closer, the view became all the more horrifying. Izuku's throat bubbled with disgust, his guts yelped to be away, he couldn't keep it together anymore.
Saliva dripped down his blood covered face as he ignored the puke splashing on his torn suit. He felt disgusting, it wasn't the puke or the dirt, nor was it the dried blood. He was disgusted by himself.
He could faintly hear paramedics nearby. He could just hide, his eyes searched for rubble, somewhere he could fit in and hide under. He would surely die of blood loss. After all, the only reason he was awake right now was likely due to the adrenaline.
I don't deserve to be a hero anymore.
Izuku wanted to move, he did, truly.
How am I any different than a villain..?
But he couldn't.
I took a life, I don't deserve to live anymore.
Not even a single muscle.
The paramedics were getting closer, he could hear them call his name. Deku, Midoriya, Izuku... He couldn't even make a sound. He simply couldn't care. It wasn't until he heard that one name.
"Problem child!"
Izuku's ears perked with this feeling he couldn't describe. Until it was replaced with the disgust he felt toward himself. If he felt that way, what would his Sensei think? Izuku wished his heart gave out at that very second.
He closed his eyes, it's just Aizawa Sensei... he tried to reassure himself, he won't hurt me, he won't get mad at me, he cares... he repeated the same things over and over again. When he opened his eyes, he saw Aizawa rushing to him, completely ignoring the dead body of Shigaraki Tomura as he let his body drop beside his student.
"Hey, problem child, can you hear me?"
All Izuku could do was nod, he coıuldn't look the man in the eyes. His gaze subconsciously dropped on Shigaraki's dead body again. Maybe it was all the strength he had left in his body, his found himself scratching his neck, small bits of blood dripping down from the thin cuts he made weakly. Aizawa snatched his wrist and held it aside.
"I-I'm s-sor.. Sorry, S-Sensei...! I-I di-didn't, I didn't want th-this..." His voice was raspy as he began sobbing, "I- I didn't me-mean to- to..!"
Before Izuku could finish, he broke down completely, his teacher hugging him tight, in a way, telling his student he won't leave, "It's okay, Izuku.."
Izuku sobbed and sobbed until he passed out in Aizawa's arms.

Frailty /Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/
Teen Fiction/Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/ "Now then, tell me why you insist on denying something is wrong? You have been engaging in extreme self-destructive behavior; starving yourself, smoking your mind out, cutting yourself... So again, I ask you: Why don't yo...