"Um, mom?" Izuku stepped into the kitchen, nervous, as he's mom cooked food for the evening. His nose twitched with disgust as he smelt the butter in the pan, turning golden while stove burned.
He got even more frustrated as he saw the red meat sitting on the counter all washed up, waiting it's turn to be diced. He couldn't help it. That feeling bubbling inside his chest burst.
"You're— you're making red meat!? Mom! I told you, it upsets my stomach! Ugh!"
All he wanted was some money, really. He had used up all the money he had earned from his paid internship for the month. But here he was, ready to, ironically, have a beef with his mom over the food she was making.
"I asked you what you wanted and you said 'whatever', Izuku. I'm not arguing. And you will eat dinner, no buts." Inko said as she washed the rice, not turning around to even look at her son.
"What did I just say!"
Izuku sighed in frustration then shut the kitchen door. Walking in circles around the tight hallway, he breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down. Then he made a quick decision. He had never done what he had in mind right now but eh, screw it. She won't even notice.
He walked to his mom's room with quick steps and searched for her purse, finding it placed on her sidetable, he dug in.
The various credit cards in different shades, then came the yens shoved to the side pocket of her wallet... the thousands in blues, two thousands in pinks...
A couple packs and a few bottles... this should be good, I'll take this card too.
Izuku shoved them in his pockets, then headed to his own room across hers. Changing into some baggy jeans and an oversized hoodie then throwing on his forest green coat, he tiptoed to the door.
"I'm going out to meet with a friend, I'll try to be home as soon as I can!" He yells, putting on his boots. Not waiting to hear a response, he leaves his apartment.
"O-Oi! Can I g't 'nother sake?" Izuku blurts to the waiter, waving up his hand to signal the man over.
"Bo- bottle."
Unknown to him, his rude way of ordering had made Izuku's presence in the bar noticeable to a certain group of people. "Hold that order for a sec, waiter guy." A tall guy with brown hair said, coming over to sit beside Izuku and throwing a hand over his shoulder. Izuku was way past gone to make out who he was nor to push him off.
"Hey man, why don't we get that one for you?"
"You realllly kn'w your way 'round words. 'Right, why not?" Izuku chuckled as the guy put up three fingers, the waiter, having known them goes to bring thier usual.
"Man, Deku. It really is you!"
Useless, quirkless DEKU!
That's when he realized who they were. His and Katsuki's old classmates from Aldera. More like the Katsuki Bakugou's old goons who kept on beating him up even after the blond stopped.
"You still look as pale and like a damn twig! Don't tell me the TV adds ten pounds!" Fukushi laughed as Kobayashi snatched Izuku's half empty glass of sake and finished it in seconds.
((A/N: We don't know thier names so totally random but you get who they are))
"Haha, yeah.. I g'ess.." Izuku laughed, the way he put it bothering the boy. His eyes drifted off to his phone's screen getting lid up. He gulped at the rest of the notifications.
'(3)Three missed calls from: 'Kacchan'.'
'(5)Five unread messages from: Kacchan'
'(1)One missed call from: 'Aizawa Sensei'.'
'(12)Twelve missed calls from: 'Mom'.'
Just then, the waiter came back with three double shots of tequila, setting them all on the table as Izuku finally managed to snuggle off of Fukushi's grasp.
Immediately drowning the shot down, he got up. Black dots were all over his vision, his heart pounding like it would burst out of his chest as he finally comprehens how much he had to drink.
"Wow, slow down there, Hero!"
Fukushi forces him to sit back down as Izuku manages to slip his phone under the table and click on the last missed call to return it. At this point, he didn't care who it was. Who knew what these guys would do? He thanked the stars he was still wearing his bluetooth earphones on one ear.
"It's be'n nice seeing you g'ys he're but I gotta roll." Izuku chuckled, "I've got patrol in a few h-hours."
"Izuku, what's fucking going on? Are those... idiot number one 'nd two?! Where are you!?" He wasn't sure whether he was glad that he had called Katsuki or he should just kill himself for calling him.
"No way~ I don't know 'bout you but I sure could grab another beer! What do you say, Fukushi-kun?" Kobayashi waved are the waiter as he ignored Izuku.
"Say, Deku, I've never seen you around here b'fore, you come here often?"
"I don't come to the X Bar often, the streets are too bright on this part of town, pl's it's too far 'way from my h-house..."
"Hold on Zu, I'll be there."
"I'm jus' gonna got to the restroom rea- real quick, guys." Izuku says, finally able to get put of the seat he'd been cornered at, quite literally.
"You wouldn't bail on us, would you man?"
"N-No, no.." he chuckled dryly, "Wouldn't dream of it, you guys."
As he got to the restroom, without swaying and passing out the best he could, he immediately shut the stall door as he breathed in and out heavily. He could feel the nausea creeping up while oxygen failed to reach properly.
Izuku held his hand to his mouth before quickly turning around and falling onto his knees.
And the saliva dripping down his chin as he felt even more disgusting with how dirty the toilet seat was didn't help him one bit.
He heaved, once, twice and that's when he started throwing up. The smell of alcohol coming from his mouth felt rotten. The only thing he had was breakfast, and to him, even that was a stretch.
His body screamed to shut down. Izuku rolled up his fist and threw a hard punch over his stomach, more liquid coming out, it seemed endless.
He couldn't see from the tears, the image and that feeling of him getting kicked in the stomach, cornered in a random classroom, retching and sobbing on the floor...
Of all people..!
Izuku was finally done, he flushed the toilet at once as he reached for some tissues.
He could't stop himself as he leaned onto the dirty walls, and cried. His throat burned form the stomach acid and the retching he had while throwing up. Everything hurt. His hands moved to his wrists, scratching and scratching under the hoodie he had on. He could feel the blood collecting up under his nails.
He heard a loud bang at the stall door he was in, it was Fukuchi and Kobayashi. They kept telling him to just get out and called him names. Izuku felt like he couldn't breathe.
I need him, I need Kacchan.... He's the only one who understands...!
"Kac'han, ple-please... help me..!"
"OI!Extras! Back the fuck away from that door, right fucking now."
As Izuku curled up to himself even more, pulling his knees closer to his chest, he could hear yelling and punches being thrown.
Once all the commotion died down, a soft knock was hear.
"They're out, can you open the door for me, Izuku?"

Frailty /Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/
Teen Fiction/Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/ "Now then, tell me why you insist on denying something is wrong? You have been engaging in extreme self-destructive behavior; starving yourself, smoking your mind out, cutting yourself... So again, I ask you: Why don't yo...