"I wanted to at least have control over something then I messed everything up..!" I looked away, the images of what happened as I told Sensei and Kacchan flashing endlessly through my mind, I couldn't help the familiar itch under my skin. I hate it. I fucking hate it. I held my own hands down to prevent myself from scratching.
"Why didn't you tell us..?" Sensei sounded disappointed but I could tell that beneath that unsettling tone he was worried. Maybe he's disgusted. "Sensei..." I began, my neck twitched to my left, it feels so uncomfortable.
"You lost a leg and an eye because of Shigaraki," Sensei refused to break eye contact, "That- that monster impaled Kacchan. Twice in fact, just to make me lose my cool and he... his sensei killed Toshinori-san! How would you feel if I told you he could control my body, my quirk."
"Are you done?"
I lifted my head, seriously..? I nod as my gaze shifts to my right. Kacchan was spaced out, hand over his chest, and all I felt was guilt. Gut wrenching guilt that ate me up since the second Shigaraki used All for One's quirk and sent it right through Kacchan's chest right in front of me.
"Regardless of what he's done, this is your life on the line, problem child." He rubs the bridge of his nose before sighing, "The rational thing to do here is teach you how to control it--"
"NO!" I jumped from my seat, I caught a glimpse at Kacchan as I felt him flinch with the sudden move but... the more I even thought about it, I could hear Shigaraki in the back of my head. "With all due respect, sensei, I can't even stand the thought of it and you think the rational thing is to master it?! This is- this is bullshit!"
"Oh come on, Izuku! You're acting like a child!" Sensei also got up, yelling at me. I stepped back then heard Kacchan. "He is a fucking child." Aizawa Sensei opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself.
"We never... Izuku never asked for any of this. Hell, if you ask me, he would've been better off without this damn quirk! Sure he was treated like shit but at least he wasn't fucking thinking about saving this shitty world! At least he would live to see his future!"
Kacchan sounded frustrated, my eyes widened in horror as he said the last part, so... he knew? From the beginning? "What's that supposed to mean?" Sensei looked at me for an answer this time, I looked away. No one has to know about that. I'm fine with dying, I'd made my peace with it long ago.
"That damn quirk is killing him. He can't pass it on anymore. He's the last one for all user." Kacchan's head hung low after he explained what was going on. "I don't get it."
"Why did you keep this a secret? Burdening yourself, literally carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders... I thought you'd trust us by now. At least trust me." I couldn't help it anymore. I begun scratching my neck.
'Eraserhead... he is so cool.'
"Fuck! Get out of my head!"
I should've known. I should've known this would happen. I tried so hard to shut him up. I even stopped using my quirk when all this first started. I have to do it again.
Holding onto my my phone tightly, I felt my skin bubble. Don't tell me- "S-Sensei! Activate your quirk. Now!" it was too late, my phone had turned into dust in a matter of seconds. I could only watch as Kacchan's pupils shrunk and Sensei stepped back.
"I told you this would happen! I told fucking told you!" Sensei came to my side and put his hands on my shoulders as I trembled. "Calm down. Just breathe in and out." His eyes were glowing red. I gritted my teeth, hoping to prevent myself from breaking down.

Frailty /Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/
Teen Fiction/Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/ "Now then, tell me why you insist on denying something is wrong? You have been engaging in extreme self-destructive behavior; starving yourself, smoking your mind out, cutting yourself... So again, I ask you: Why don't yo...