"Kacchan," Izuku begins as he fiddles with his keys, "I don't think this is a good idea."
They were standing at the front door of his house, the longer they waited outside, the colder Izuku got. It was like he was shivering from the inside. He felt nervous and the snow that began a few hours ago didn't help.
"It'll be fine. She will understand. Fuckin' trust me on this one, yeah?" Katsuki tries to reassure him as Izuku immediately turns around, balling his keys in his gloved palm. "Yeah, um... maybe no yet?" Katsuki glares at him, "Like not yet as in, and I quote, 'In my defense, I was gonna tell you'?"
Izuku was about to protest again but stops as Katsuki raises a brow, arms crossed. The green head turns back around, huffing. "Stupid Kacchan, remembering everything." He mumbles as he brings the key to the keyhole, Katsuki chuckles, "In my defense," he mocks, "It was earlier this morning."
"Tadaima, 'ka-san!"
Inko immediately rushes to the door before the two have a chance to take their shoes off, "Izuku!! Baby, I'm sorry. I should've talked to you that way! I'm really sorry, honey. I was so worried when you ran off last night and- and I didn't know what to do because you weren't answering your phone and you didn't come home at night either—"
"Mom, mom. It's okay. I'm the one who's-" Izuku's head hurt, the back of it. He stumbles and Katsuki is there to hold him, "Wow, you good?" He asks, hand over Izuku's shoulder. As Inko steps up to help as well.
"Y-Yeah, got um, dizzy for a second..." Izuku answers, pulling his coat off, Inko takes it from him and hangs it as Izuku pushes Katsuki's hand away, giving him a look as to say 'I'll be fine.' Katsuki silently nods, Inko not missing the interaction.
"Why don't you two go to your room, honey? I'll be back in a second." Inko wasn't to type to just let people go off even if it was her son in the case, she runs inside and Izuku immediately knows what she was doing. He frowns, his mood changing and Katsuki notices.
"What's up?" He asks as he follows Izuku, who peeks his head over to the living room, looking at somewhere particularly. Katsuki looks at where Izuku does, seeing the telephone.
Izuku storms to his room, not shutting his door so Katsuki can come in as well. "Wanna tell me what that was about, nerd?"
"She's talking to dad again, it's fucking absurd."
"Wait, I thought your parents cut off all contact after they got divorced..?" Katsuki tries to confirm, but Izuku ignores his question like statement completely, reaching for the UA rug thing that covers his board.
"I really don't wanna talk about it. But I do wanna know what the hell you were doing looking through this." Izuku straight up confronts him and Katsuki freezes, how the fuck did he know?! "I was curious and I wanted to fucking know what was under it—"
"Isn't the answer I'm looking for, Kacchan. Hand me your phone."
"What. No! What the hell you gonna do with it anyway?"
Katsuki takes a step closer, clenching his hand into a fist, holding it back not to snap.
"I know for a fact that you took a picture of this. I want to delete it. You better not have shown it to anybody and I mean anybody." And that just confirms Katsuki's suspicions about this research Izuku had been going on and on for who knows how long.
"And what if I have?!" If this is the way we're gonna talk about it then so be it. If he won't tell me, I'll force it out of him. Even if it hurts him, I don't fucking give a damn. I won't let him go through whatever this is alone. Not again.

Frailty /Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/
Jugendliteratur/Depressed! Deku x Bakugou/ "Now then, tell me why you insist on denying something is wrong? You have been engaging in extreme self-destructive behavior; starving yourself, smoking your mind out, cutting yourself... So again, I ask you: Why don't yo...