Chapter 5

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It was happening again, his junior high days were haunting him; day and night, endlessly. Those memories were far too close for comfort. He despised it, all of it. The green-haired boy couldn't help but wonder: how would've he turned out if he never had to leave through the torment for years.

He gritted his teeth at the thought as he tucked on firmer around the handles of the lat pulldown.

On top of all that Katsuki was watching him like a hawk.

Thank God he's studying in the library tonight.

Eijiro was over at the gym, lifting weights himself as he spotted Izuku. When the two spoke, his friend had told him it was his leg day so what was Izuku doing with the pulldown?

Maybe he was just going that extra mile. Pushing himself even further.

But none of those thoughts helped with the fact that the greenette was lifting the amount of weight he shouldn't even be dealing with at such late hours.

Izuku breathed heavily, finally letting go of the handle and allowing his arms to rest on his lap. he always wore sweatpants, he couldn't let others see his hideous thighs. Not after long, he got up and walked over to the treadmill. Eijiro frowned, looking over to the greenette. Izuku had been here for over two hours and they had hero training today. Wasn't it enough?

Just 30 minutes, that should do it for today, he had told himself as he shakily made his way to the treadmill

The redhead watched the shorter boy get on the machine, breathing unevenly already as he set the speed. He was leaning onto the sides before he started yet another cardio exercise. Eijiro couldn't watch him anymore and walked over.

"Hey, Midobro! How's it going, dude?" he asked, having on a wimpy smile. Izuku took off one of his earphones and turned to face his classmate. "Oh- H-Hey, Kiri! Good, great actually!" the greenette replied with a fake grin, not even believing it himself.

"Glad to hear... hey um, not that it's any of my business but didn't you have enough exercise for today? Not to mention you look absolutely drained." Eijiro rubbed the towel on the back of his neck as he spoke.

"I told you, I'm doing great right now!" he sucked in a breath unwillingly as his head got heavier, and that's when the redhead interfered at last. Eijiro pressed the emergency stop button and grabbed Izuku by his torso.

"You were saying?" He raised a brow, overall concern written all over his face; he reached for the bottle of water Izuku had sat aside and handed it to the green-eyed boy.

Izuku literally chugged on the water, panting.

Waiting for the greenette to calm down from his high, Eijiro sat patiently. Izuku stared down at the cold floor, silent. "I'll take you to your dorm, Midoriya." the redhead said, putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder and didn't fail to notice the way he flinched.

The two walked slowly, Izuku occasionally stumbling and Eijiro ready to swoop in any moment. Once they reached the greenette's room, Izuku finally spoke up. "Maybe I- I did push myself a bit too hard. Sorry for the trouble, Kiri."

"Hey, it's alright man! No worries... just, do take care of yourself, yeah?"





Izuku's body shook, nothing but pain crossing through the veins in his muscles. It's worth it, he told himself, I won't regret it tomorrow. It was the middle of the night, over and over again, until now, Izuku thought about the way he embarrassed himself in front of Eijiro.

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