Chapter 4

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Katsuki watched Izuku from behind, following his figure as he walked down the way to the dormitories. It didn't take him long to notice how the greenette's legs shook with every next step.

Had he eaten today? No, he surely has. I should've made him have breakfast at least, like yesterday. Izuku had barely touched his plate yesterday during dinner and saying he was full. Katsuki hadn't even seen him during lunch.

He was observant, Izuku's routine was the same on school days, that's when he bothered to show up. He would sleep through the first period, followed by daydreams during the second and the third then he would absentmindedly listen during the rest and when lunch rolled around, he would disappear.

When he told the blond he had eaten during the day, Katsuki dismissed it.


There was one problem though, now Izuku knew Katsuki was onto him. Since the incident the other day after heroics class and on Saturday with him wanting to go for a run and lying about eating his dinner in his room. Izuku was cautious. He couldn't let anyone know bu--

Tch .

He had told Katsuki he had to meet Hitoshi for lunch so the blond didn't know if he had eaten. But Katsuki knew for a fact that he had been over at the gym for hours. He wouldn't even be able to stand if he hadn't eaten today. Yet he worked out anyway.

When Izuku swayed the slightest, grabbing onto nothing but thin air for support; completely unaware of Katsuki behind him who acted quickly and held his upper arm, his fingers touching as he tightened his grip. He's got muscle, but no fat. None at all, this isn't right.

Izuku didn't protest as Katuski brought him to his dorm, his touch gentle yet grip holding strong, he wondered if Izuku even knew who was holding him.

Once they reached his dorm, Katsuki decided to check as he sat him on his bed, "Izuku." The greenette looked at him, his eyes were unfocused as he nodded to a mere statement, "Shower. Then come downstairs for dinner, I'll drag your ass if I don't see you, got it?"



I forced myself to stand up and take a shower, every inch of my body ached, I had gone overboard again but it's okay. I need this . Everything is better this way. My eyes caught the sight of my scale that peeked under the drawers, won't hurt to check.

Taking off my clothes, I turned away from the mirror and stepped on the scale just as the numbers were about to set, I backed down. It will hurt to check. I haven't been doing well lately, if I see whatever numbers it says then there's a chance I'll stop working out.

"I'll do it in a week. Just shower and go to dinner." My plans were set. I'll write up a new schedule then I can go to dinner, I feel like I shouldn't eat when I'm alone anymore since I know Kacchan is watching, I'll just eat whenever he's around.

So I showered and went downstairs.

"Deku-kun? You almost haven't touched your plate at all... Is everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh... I'm just not all that hungry, Ochako-San. My head hurts, I should probably call it a night."

"Midoriya-kun, do take care of yourself. As your friend and the class rep, I must say, that you haven't been taking proper care of yourself lately. If you ever need anything, we're here." Tenya always said what made sense, common sense, I couldn't look him in the eyes.

He was right, I was getting worse again. Kacchan had noticed as well although he most likely did before my close friends because he has known me since childhood... but Tenya and Ochako butting in is... simply bad.

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