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A group of man were shivering in fear when the majestic gate of palace opened, walking inside they looked at each other as if asking that whether they should go inside or turn and go back to their home to their family, the closing sound of the door behind them made them realise their tardiness in making decision leaving them with no option other than doing the task they are assigned with, they headed towards the courtroom with their life in sleeves of his kurta knowing very well that a wrong word from their mouth and they will be beheaded in middle of village to set the example.

The courtroom was majestic and beautiful with golden paint on the walls, a big and beautiful chandelier hanging in middle of the room, In middle of Courtroom at the farest end was a throne adorned by several gems and diamond and the King himself, and his eyes were fixed on them in same manner of a  predator on his prey, In both left and right side of courtrooms chair were arranged  and Ministers Army Chief and Raj Priest was sitting on it and even there eyes were fixed on them, They all entered and stand in middle of Courtroom and bowed to Your Majesty first and then to the Ministers.

"What bought you here?" The Enquiry Minister asked to them.

"We are here to discuss about the interest and taxes forced upon us Minister " The leader of the group who was in middle of somewhere in between fifty and sixty spoke, although the man was scared to death but he has taken the responsibility to lead and he will "The interest and taxes forced upon us is too much, If we will give 60% of our earning to you then What will be their for us to eat" He asked before looking towards the King whose eyes were burning in anger "I request to your Your Majesty, do deduct the taxes, Your father was only taking 25% from us, we will not be able to pay 40%, there will be nothing left for us to eat" He begged to the King.

" You are here to argue against Your Majesty order" The same Minister who has asked them reason for thir presence yelled "Do you know you can get executed for this, No one can question Your Majesty" He pulled out his sword scaring all five man who looked close to piss.

"Sit down in your seat if you ever want to be able to sit again" The cold voice with a promising threat made the Minister shiver in fear, he quickly pushed his sword inside his sheath and sat back on his place "Keep yourself in control from next time, It's first and last warning" The King said before he focussed his gaze on the dirty clothed commoners who looked like they will faint any moment.

"You want me to reduce the tax" King Questioned and the man shook their head while saying yes, a sinister smile adorned his lips, He loves being in power, he loves when people look on verge of fainting just by his one single glance, It makes him feel powerful to know that he has power to change anyone's life with his one decision "Now you all will pay me 50%" the commoners look at him in shock the leader was about to resist and beg him to not do this but he didn't dare to when King has said his next words "with your every sentence I will keep increasing it by 10%, and the moment it will reach hundred you will be a free labour of the land under you not the owner" and no one dared to speak, they knew the words weren't empty, the man on the throne will do as he has said, They all sighed dejectedly not knowing how they will announce it to their man that their decision of sorting it out with the King himself has cost them extra 5% of tax as a punishment.


The men of the house were sitting outside in charpai talking with commoners and discussing the issue which came with increased interest and taxes,while The girl was working in kitchen cooking the meal for her brothers and father, she kneaded the dough and sauteed the vegetables, the smoke of chulha burned her eyes and throat making her cough wildly, forcing her to leave her place at front of chulha, she head out of the house and stood in the corner hearing the conversation.

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