Love of Your Majesty - Part I

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If you think that the scariest thing for King Shivay was his fight against those Dakus then no my dear friend you are wrong, It was at this moment where he was shifting from one place to another with his hand up in air not being able to muster the courage to knock, Vinaay stood behind King Shivay and glared at his back seeing how long he is taking just for one single knock,so running out of his patience he hit his hand against the door loud enough to wake up the whole kingdom.

"What the hell are you doing?" King Shivay snapped angrily and glared at the ill mannered boy, once again only if his little wife wouldn't have loved this boy like she does, he would have taught this boy a good lesson to remember for his life.

"Helping you, Your Majesty" Vinaay said with his head tilted backward and he look back at King with an innocent smile which wasn't innocent in any sense.

"Did I ask you to?" King Shivay retorted angrily, first he was already little bit of nervous and scared and on top of it the boy is ruining it all, now she will think that it was him who has knocked liked an animal has broken free and collided against the door.

"But I ..."

"Shut up before I cut out your tongue" He snapped and turn back to face the door only to find the door wide open and on other side Sakshi was standing looking at them with wide eyes, on looking at both King Shivay and Vinaay no one would say that they don't like each other because everytime they fought like two bestfriend who care for each other but at same time loves to annoy each other.

"Your ... Majesty" she stammered and moved aside letting the King enter in her small home "Vinaay" her eyes shined with happiness as he took in the boy who looked happier and healthier than the last time she has seen him .

"Bhabhi" He said back touching her feet and taking her blessings.

"Your bhaiya would be so happy to see you, specially Aniee she has been so sick worried for you" Sakshi said happily and upon listening her name King Shivay's heart started to beat abnormally in his chest, It's been one month and twelve days since he has last seen her and he couldn't wait anymore, but also at the same time King Shivay knew that it will not be easy, she will not let anything that has happen back at palace slide so easily, and King Shivay has came prepared for all possible scenario.

Soon after Vignesh came out from his room and was shocked like Sakshi seeing Your Majesty at their home, he look at Vinaay questioningly but bowed and greeted King Shivay with all respect, King Shivay look around for his wife but she was no where to be seen.

"Anika wasn't able to sleep last night due to pain, she has fallen in morning only and is sleeping in her room" Sakshi said softly, King Shivay nodded his head and tapped his foot impatiently on floor, a second passed and he thought about the excuses he could make to go her room to see her, but when nothing like that came to his mind he angrily stood up from his place and announced "I am going to check upon her, If you all want you can all go for outing today" Everyone stared at him with wide eyes after he indirectly asked them to get out from their own home, Vinaay groaned tired of King Shivay bossing him around.

"Anyone has any objection?" He asked but his eyes were on his youngest brother in law who murmured curses under his breathe, stood up from his place and head straight out of the home shocking Vignesh and Sakshi from his behaviour.

Later Vignesh and Sakshi along with Veena left the house, Vignesh went to field to check upon the crops and Sakshi along with Veena has first went to visit a temple and then went to visit her parents.

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