Married to Your Majesty - Part 25

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The wave of emotions erupted inside him when he saw her making his way towards him with her eyes filled with unshed tears, her lower lips quivering and her legs wobbling, for a minute he felt that she will collapse on her way before she could reach him, Vinaay took steps forward to held her before she could fall, her steps wavered, she stumbled on the red carpet and in slow motion her body leapt towards the floor but before it can make contact with it a pair of strong arm wrapped around her waist pulling her body across his chest much for Vinaay's relief, The wave of concerned flashed in those pair of blue oceanic eyes as they look at her from top to bottom checking for any injury and when found none he stabled her on her feet before they were pulled back.

"Be careful of your steps" his voice was stern much for Vinaay's annoyance, back at home no one has ever used hard tone on her, if anyone has ever wanted her to do anything they have already asked her with love and she always listened not giving anyone chance to complain about anything twice, He took in her reaction on his command, he noticed how she glared him angrily before she started taking long steps towards him covering the distance between them in minutes.

Anika threw her arms around her brother's shoulder and broke into tears, sobs left her mouth as she tightened her grip around him more hugging him more close to her heart "IThoughtYouAndBhaiyaForgotAboutMe" She said in a breathe as she cried little more, Vinaay caressed her hair and back to calm her down but it has opposite effect on her as her sobs increased.

"I will go, If you will not stop crying" It just came out of his mouth, he didn't know what to say to make her stop and he ended up saying something which made her cry more as she tightened her grip more Shakib her head negatively.

"IAmTryingToNotCry" She said back in response and cried more making Vinaay sigh, he threw an apologetic look towards King Shivay whose eyes were fixed on them especially on his wife, he didn't like her crying, a part of him so badly wanted to go and comfort her.

"How are you?" No longer Vinaay tried to calm her down, he just kept caressing her hair and started the conversation, Anika shook her head negatively against his chest.

"Not good" Her response has King Shivay's breathe hitched, he instantly regretted his decision for letting her meet with his brother "I missed you, How can I be good after being away from you and bhaiya?"Anika quickly added not wanting to anger the monster behind.

"I didn't, It was too peaceful at home, no one was scolding me for anything even no one was crying just because they missed me" Vinaay teased angering her, Anika pulled herself away and threw some harmless punches on his chest making him laugh, a small smile spread on her lips as well, she stopped punching and just look at him for a minute before she reached out and traced the scar across his cheeks, a frown took over her face "How has it happened" the question left her mouth and Vinaay went quite, he thought for a good answer before plastering a fake smile and shaking his head.

"I fell in field, I was whipping the Ox to move fast and he suddenly took speed of horse dragging me along him before I knew and would have controlled him I was on ground with a wound" he pouted and once again tear filled Anika's eyes.

"You really cannot look after yourself without me" She whispered and cleaned his face by her chunri "and How many times have I told you to not whip him, he is also a living being, he feels pain like us" she shook her head and made her brother sit on one of chair and take place beside him, King Shivay who was not ready to risk leaving her alone with her brother also took seat with them and heard them chatting, they talked about home and village, and before Anika knew her all pain was long forgotten, she wasn't nervous like a minute before because of King Shivay's presence, she threw her head back and laughed as her brother joked about their sister in law and elder brother, her eyes twinkled in joy as he pulled out the gift he has bought along with him for her, she didn't waste a second before removing the golden bangles and replacing them with glass one, they talked a little more before a maid entered informing Anika about Queen Subhadra's call, unwillingly she rose up from her place and head out not before promising her brother that she will come back within half hour, leaving her brother and King Shivay alone.

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