Wrapping it Up - Epilogue

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Here Comes the most awaited chapter of this book (Epilogue), Enjoy, if you are still enjoying the book.

Well,the thank you note is a must thing, so Thanks a lot to each reader of this book, your time, vote or comments all things are appreciated from my end.

Thank you to you all for being part of this journey❤️

Shivay's POV...

Her ending up pregnant wasn't all of sudden, It was all planned by me, I have always known how my younger brother in law didn't like me and how he was against the marriage, The day I made the deal with him and promised him that I will give him anything he will ask for, I knew what he was going to ask for, and even though I wanted to fulfill my promise made to the boy, I knew I cannot, I can never ever give her to anyone , from the moment I have laid my eyes on her and my heart skipped the beat she has belonged to me and only me, no one else, so I changed my strategy and put my everything in knocking my own wife up, and even succeeded but didn't get time to celebrate my victory as I got to know about it when every misfortune fell on our head, including her being poisoned and those bastards trying to harm her to rile me up.

Well, forget about the past and let by gone be gone, about present then I am pacing fastly from one corner of this corridor to another and everytime I am nearing her chamber from where her painfull cries and screams are coming it is taking my everything to not break the door open and storm inside to be there by her side.

"Your Majesty, If you will keep walking like this then you will be tired before she will even give birth" the same annoying voice I come to like and yes It belongs to my brother in law, the boy whom I now consider as my family and treat as one and believe me I am paying for this mistake now this little boy poke his nose on every matter just like now, what was the need of saying this to me.

"You know nothing boy, Shut up" and yes I am still rude to him because everytime I talk to this guy nicely he starts making my life miserable by stealing my wife away from me, or bringing her her favourite foods and getting on her best side, and I, I always end up being the bad careless father who is selfish and doesn't care about his pregnant wife and unborn child and let me tell you this is a lie, a blatant lie, If there is someone I care and love most then that is the only woman who is right now screaming in pain and breaking my heart over and over..


Author's pov---

After six continuous hours of crying writhing and begging to pull the baby out, Anika delivered a beautiful baby girl with eyes replica of his, the housewife has taken to clean the child and King Shivay was ecstatic jumping from one feet to another and singing songs of joy, Vinaay was no less he was also impatient and was jumping on his place to meet his first niece.

After cleaning the child DaaiMaa handed it to child's mother, who pulled the little baby across her chest and started to cry in relief, all six hour of unbearing pain were long forgotten and was replaced with  the love blossoming in her heart after having her child for the first time in her arms, the daiimaa with help of maids cleaned the bedsheets and Anika before setting clothes of the Queen back to it's place and going out to let Your Majesty enter.

"You can meet the child and Your Highness now Your Majesty" Daai Maa said with a smile and left from there followed by maid, King Shivay was entering the room and so was Vinaay but King Shivay glared at him and told of him to stay back, the boy's face fall, he nodded and stepped back,King Shivay went inside only to return back and call the boy inside with him.

"Dare you disturb me and my wife and I will throw you out of not only this chamber but also from palace" King Shivay threatened his brother in law who shrugged his shoulder like a brat before running to his sister and niece, he excitedly looked at his niece and touched her tiny legs, hands and fingers.

"She is ugly" it was the first thing he has said and gained himself a punch from his brother in law.

"Get out" Shivay barked at the boy and leaned down to kiss his wife.

"I was telling truth only, look how her skin isn't perfect like us  and how her eyes is closed, and ho..." he earned a smack from his sister and pouted "what?" He grumbled.

"You looked like a pig when you came out from mother's womb" Anika told him and tried to take the baby from him but Vinaay didn't let her.

"I was telling truth but I know once she will be few days old she will become beautiful with her perfect skin" King Shivay shook his head on his brother in law weird obsession with skin of his daughter, he look down at his wife who was looking back at him with tired eyes "tired" he asked .

"Mmmhmmm" she whispered

"Thanks" his hand palmed her face as he smile down at her "You don't know how thankful I am to have you in my life" he whispered leaning down to kiss his wife but before their lips can meet they were interrupted by none other than his annoying brother in law.

"See baby, That is how you were made" Vinaay tilted the baby little showing her how she was actually made.

King Shivay groaned forgetting the loving kiss he was about to share with his wife, he took his child from hand of his brother in law, his heart swelled with happiness and joy, and he pecked his daughter's forehead before he placed her on top of  her mother's chest and held his brother in law by his arm.

"Your Majesty, What are you doing?" Vinaay protested struggling against King Shivay's hold "Aniee , Aniee, ask your husband to leave me I have to talk to my niece" He said looking at his sister who just laughed shaking her head, her husband is rude but her brother is annoying and he loves to irritate Your Majesty.

King Shivay pushed Vinaay lightly out of chamber, the boy look at him with pleading eyes but King Shivay wasn't bothered, he closed the curtains on the boy's face and ordered the guard to not let him enter inside.

He went back to bed and sat down beside his wife,he look down at his child and raised his hand to caress her face with love shinning bright in his eyes "She is beautiful and Your Brother is annoying" he told her before leaning down and continuing what he was doing and that is giving his wife a thank you kiss.

_________BYEE BYEE ________

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