Married to Your Majesty - Part 8

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The Chamber was decorated with golden curtains, On top of the head of a bed a big painting of King Shivay in his Royal attire with his mother and Father by his side was hung, but something which grasped Anika's attention was the row of books placed on the wooden table on side of mirror, She started to unconsciously move towards the books but the sound coming from bath chamber made her remember the real reason about why she was called here on first place.

Anika moved towards the bath chamber with her heart beating unrhythmic in her chest, She was nervous and little scared to be alone with him in bath chamber, She entered inside his bath chamber and sighed in relief seeing a maid there.

"The water isn't as warm as it should be" King Shivay roared on the poor woman who looked like she was about to be faint "boil some more water and bring here" The maid hurried on her feet running out of the bath chamber to fetch the boiled water

"Your Majesty" Anika bowed as soon as he looked at her not daring to disrespect and piss off another royal after her morning encounter with the Queen "You have called for me" She asked looking at him with his big brown innocent eyes.

King Shivay nodded his head in response and signed her to come close to him and when she was close enough for him to hold her, he pulled her down asking her to sit on the edge of cemented tub "Help me to bath" he whispered inhaling her natural scent before placing a light kiss on her wrist making her shiver.

Anika picked the paste of haldi, gram flour and Sandal wood and started to apply on his arm followed by his neck and shoulder, King Shivay closed his eyes and relaxed his body under water enjoying her soft palms rubbing all over his body, once Anika was done applying the paste over every part of his body which was out of water except his face, She picked the bottle of liquid placed on the floor and inhaled the scent before mixing it into the water.

The maid returned with a bucket full of hot water and with great difficulty she dragged the bucket inside the bath chamber, the steal bucket was hot burning her hands but still it didn't stop her to complete her task, She with lot of difficulty and pain tried to pick the bucket to empty it into the tub for mixing the hot water with remaining water in tub but due to the intense burn on her hand she wasn't able to support it for so long and the end of the bucket slipped out of her hand resulting few drops of water fall on King Shivay's hand.

King Shivay's eyes snapped open spitting fire, he gritted his teeth angrily and snatched his hand out from Anika's hold causing her to jump on her place in fright.

"You" He said through his clenched teeth and climbed out of the tub scaring the poor woman who was on verge of falling on her knees and beg to be spared "You insect, You cannot even do one task properly" The woman cowered before breaking into sobs and joining her hands and giving into her fear and started to beg for forgiveness, but King Shivay was having none, her tears has no impact on him, he held her hand in vice grip and was about to dip it into the remaining hot water in bucket but before he could do so Anika ran to him and held his hand with tear streaming down from her eyes, she was scared to the core seeing him bursting out like this for such a small accident for which the maid wasn't even in complete fault.

"No Please" She begged with tears and her interruption angered him more, he left the hand of maid and held Anika's jaw in tight grip.

"How dare you to stop me" he asked looking straight into her teary eyes "How dare you to intervene in between" he shouted pushing her away, she stumbled on her feet but gained the control before she could fall on ground "Now you will be punishing this low life for her mistake" Anika shook her head telling him no but King Shivay was determined to teach lesson to the maid so she doesn't repeat her mistake and as well as to his wife so she doesn't forget her place again, and as much as he has observed her he has observed her in past one and half day he knows that to Punish her he need to make her punish the maid "Either her hand or yours, The choice is upto you" He warned trying to scare her and went back to his previous position inside the water.

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