Married to Your Majesty - Part 13

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The fragrance of Sandal wood incense was spread everywhere in the house, A large fresh painting of the decade man was kept on the wooden table with garland adorning it, and just at front of the table the man himself was laid there unbreathing and unmoving but now dressed in one of finest fabric looking clean and fresh, On left side of the man mens were sitting including his son and son in law and on his left side women were sitting including his numb daughter and crying daughter in law.

Sadness has his arm wide spread and has taken each being present into the house in his embrace, everyone in the room look lost and sad, and as the time of freeing the life which is there in body and to let it meet with what it has been build from neared Anika shifted close to her father lifeless body and took his palm in her before cupping her face into them, they felt cold unlike his usual warm self but still she placed them tightly on her face and her tears relentlessly fell down from her eyes "Baba" it was as if she was in some kind of trance the only word she was chanting from past a day was 'baba' nothing else, but this time her call was full of plea and desperation as if she is waiting for him to sat up by some miracle and embrace her in a warm hug, but when nothing sort of it happened she herself slide down and placed her head over his heart and look up at his face "Baba" She whispered and sobbed, her hand was still trying to pull the man up and his heart was still hoping for him to wake up but nothing happened.

"Anika" Her elder brother came forward and sat down beside his sister before pulling her in his embrace and patting her head "Aniee, Baba is ...." His voice broke and he wasn't able to speak his next word, it has been almost a day since their father has died but no one in the house for once has said the word, none of his children was at point to cross that barrier "Baba" Vignesh tried once again and look at his sister "Baba is gone" as much as it was hard for his own self he needs to tell it to his sister to make her believe that her father isn't going to wake up not today not ever.

"No Bhai..ya, Baba" She shook her head and pointed towards her father but this time her hand was pulled down and held in firm lock at front of her.

"Baba is ... Baba has left us and gone Anika" and she screamed and struggled to free her arms from his grip and when she successfully did, she punched him restlessly and he sat there with tears streaming down from his eyes letting her out her emotions, once she has enough of punching her brother she wrapped her arm around him and cried until her throat didn't went sore and tears stopped falling from her eyes, and soon the youngest son also joined them in the hug and they cried together holding each other tightly for their loss.

Everyone has tear in their eyes including him, what has happened yesterday and what has taken place after the incident has affected him, his heart was heavy with guilt and eyes were full with tears along with all this there was something in him which has moved, now sitting here amongst these people didn't feel low as before, now having the elder of village saying comforting words to ease up his guilt didn't feel like them trying to degrade him as it would have felt before, now suddenly he felt himself pressed down in huge favour of his father in law not other way around, he has the man under his favour by his scripted game plan but now he has his life pressed down under his father in law favour without any script.

Vinaay and Vignesh hold the bamboo made small bed front legs two villager came forward to hold the other two but one of them was stopped by King Shivay, He came forward and held one corner, They moved out from house and behind them was heard painful cries and screams of someone who was fighting with everything in her to let her father go, to believe that he will not be there joining them on the table or having her morning and evening tea with his favourite fryums or not will be there to scold and love his children all together, and in span of a day all three of his children have become orphan.

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