Married to Your Majesty - Part 38

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The devasting news of the dead of Kingdom's unborn heir prevailed in kingdom and even reached in the ear of daku, who celebrated their victory unlike the people of kingdom and place who mourned for the loss, It has broken the hearts of the residents of palace when their Queen has broken down crying tears of sorrow, her cries were heart breaking painful for everyone whoever has heard or saw her.

King Shivay sat at the corner of chamber where his wife cried tears of pain on floor, he stood at the corner like a status unmoving and unblinking, and Anika's tears were uncontrollable and sobs were unstoppable. "There is no point of crying over someone or something which is gone little one" after hours of silence King Shivay has said, his voice was hard as usual, it was like he was talking about any object or a treasure he has lost not his child.

"It was my child, it was my child which I have lost, not some land or an object" Anika yelled at him in between her sobs "It was my two month old child which I have lost" She whispered and cried, King Shivay's eyes widened as he took in her words.

"So you knew all along and didn't bother to tell me" he snapped at her and in few quick steps he was by her side holding her tightly from her shoulder, Anika wiggled in his grip and finally was succeeded in freeing herself.

"What could have you done if you would have been aware about it Your Majesty? Isn't it you and only you who has dragged me into this mess by marrying me, just because of you I have lost my child, the only thing you could have possibly done is killing my child which is already done without you even knowing" She shouted, King Shivay fisted his finger by his side controlling his anger and himself from bursting on her.

"I have dragged you into this mess right, so I will be the one who will free you from it" he said angrily and called Vinaay inside who was standing outside of the chamber and was hearing all, he breathed out the tension and entered in chamber to play his role, he has to make it believable for both of them.

"Stay here with your sister, I am going out to sort some matters" King Shivay ordered and has started to leave but before he could Vinaay opened his mouth and spoke.

"You have promised me that if I will go and work for Dakus, you will not let anything happen with my sister then what is it?" If Anika was in shock before then after hearing it she looked like a corpse with her eyes wide and mouth open, she stared at King Shivay in disbelief "You have promised that if I will do this then you will free my sister and let her comeback with me, I want to take her back with me" King Shivay was rooted on his place and was giving deadliest glare to his traitor brother in law.

" were with Dakus?" Anika stammered, and just for a while the pain of loosing her child was pushed back in her head, and it was because of the reason that her brother was in supposed danger and it was her husband who has pushed him in it, the man she has started to like and may be more than just like,also her twin brother meant more to her, more than anyone's else, he was her whole world, they both loved and cared for each other dearly, has looked for each other in absence of everyone "You were in danger and it's Your Majesty who has pushed you into it" Anika didn't even stammered, now her grief was turned into anger and hatred, she felt used.

"Six months back when I came here to...."

"The hell are you doing" King Shivay jumped on Vinaay and punched him on his face, it was a hard hit, hard enough that Vinaay's lips started to bleed but before he could hit the boy for second time, he felt himself being pushed away from him, he look down only to find her trying to push him away and it fueled his anger.

"Get away little girl" he warned seething hot in anger.

"No, You get away, Being King doesn't give you right to beat anyone you want and not when they haven't done anything wrong and just trying to open their loved ones eyes" She once again tried to push him away, King Shivay himself stepped back, and look down at her tears stricken face, her eyes started to swell, nose were red and lips were bleeding because of how she was biting it to held her sobs, it pained his heart and it took everything in him to look unbothered and not wrap his arm around her, She turned back to her brother, took his face in his hand and inspected his lips, more and more tears started to fall down from her eyes.

"Is it paining?" She sobbed, wiping the blood from his brother's lips, Vinaay shook his head negatively and looked at King Shivay, with the agression he has been hit he has realised that the punch wasn't only because he has outed him, there was more into it, but at this moment he didn't care, He has planned it all along and he will not let anything come in mid, he hasn't risked everything including his life only to back out at last.

"When I came to visit you and you were called by Queen, I and your Majesty was alone in deewan room, he has asked me a favour and in exchanged promised me that he will let you go back with us, Your Majesty has said that the only reason he has married you was because he doubted that our father was involved with these Dakus and has hand in all the riots happening in kingdom" If look would have held the power to burn a person alive then Vinaay would have been turned into ash by now with the way King Shivay was glaring him, Vinaay himself was scared by the deadly glare, Anika closed her eyes and let her fall loose against her brother's chest, no sob left her mouth just uncontrollable tears "He has also said that a common woman like you could never make a Queen he has always wanted to marry his childhood friend and you are nothing but an obstacle in his way until the whole piasco about Dakus doesn't settle down because he doesn't want anything to happen with Princess as Dakus will more likely harm the qu......" King Shivay's eyes widened on the blatant lie Vinaay has just said right at front of him, his hand went to his sword and in a blink he pulled it out from it's sheath to cut the tongue of the boy for lying.

"Your Majesty" Vinaay pulled out a letter from his pocket and gave it to King Shivay, with his one hand tightly curled around the handle of sword he opened the letter from other hand and read it, realisation hitted him like a punch in his guts, he realised it wasn't only him who was using the boy but also he was being used and trapped by the boy, the woman in the boy's arm is his biggest weakness at the moment and as much as he wants to clear it all, to take her into his arm, to have her in the way only he is allowed to, he knew he cann't he has lost her in his own game and at cost of her he got something he has so badly wanted and that was the four name of those bastards leading the group causing riots in his kingdom, no matter how worthless the name look at front of her, he knows he have to end them all and for once.

Anika was soo much in shock, she couldn't help but blame herself for being foolish all along, this marriage has taken her more than it has given her including her father, her home, her freedom, her child and almost her brother, and now she blamed herself for it all, herself for searching and believing the good in him which wasn't there to start with, he has always been manipulative and cruel, he has always used people like an object, she couldn't believe that she has left herself fall for someone like him, she couldn't believe that she let herself feel for someone like him, if she wouldn't have been so weak and submissive her brother wouldn't have to put his life on stake in yearning of saving her from the palace and her cruel husband, only if she would haven't married that day and would have agreed with her twin, she would have it all today including her father, her home, her freedom and her carefree brother.

"It all has happened because of me, I am sorry, I am sorry" She cried hugging her brother tightly who hugged her back and observed the display of emotions on Your Majesty's face.

"I am sorry as well" Vinaay whispered even his hand was tightened around his sister and it looked like he has told it to his sister but his eyes was fixed on him who was looking back at him with anger and fire in his eyes.

But it wasn't only the three who has heard this all, it was someone outside the chamber who has also heard it all and was now going to use it for getting what they had always wanted.


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