Married to Your Majesty - Part 15

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This time when he journeyed back to his palace in his carriage he has his companion beside him all silent lost somewhere deep in her thought, looking out from the carriage, but that didn't stop him to forward his hand towards her and wrapping it against her shoulder before pulling her lightly against his chest, Anika look at him with her big brown eyes and their eyes met, they kept looking at each other for a while before leaning down and pecking her head lightly.

"Sleep" King Shivay whispered and with his another hand he patted her head lightly making her close her eyes, Anika slowly wrapped her one hand around his waist before shifting lightly to get comfortable in her position and once she get, she closed her eyes and inhaled his manly scent before sleep lured her in.

And in remaining of their journey, He sat there in same position with her leaning on his chest and snoring softly and him gazing down at her face and caressing her hair.

The carriage stopped inside the palace, The driver climbed down from his seat and rapped on door twice before opening it widely and standing by side, As much as King Shivay didn't want to wake her up he has no other option than to do so, he lightly shook her making her moan in protest and clinging on his chest a little more.

"We have reached" his voice was soft and sweet as if he is talking with a child "You can sleep more in chamber" he whispered and shook her once again to wake her,in response she tightened her hold against his waist and thrusted her face more into his chest moaning in protest once again.

King Shivay sat still for a moment looking down at her, neither moving nor freeing himself from her hold, he just sat there looking at her, few minutes passed before he once again tried but this time his voice wasn't as soft as before and his touch weren't caresses like before, he little roughly shook her to wake her up and it worked she snapped her eyes open and look at her surrounding to know where she is and who has woken her up.

"We have reached" he repeated softly and now coming to her sense she realised that the thing she is laying her head on is a chest and the chest does belong to her husband, she raised her head up and look at him and loosens her hold on him before separating herself from him.

"Yes, Your Majesty" She said back in response and adjusted her veil, King Shivay climbed down from the carriage and forwarded his hand to her to hold and climb down, and once they both were on ground the driver climbed back on his seat not before bowing at front of them and left from there along with carriage, Queen Subhadra who was watching all this from the moment the carriage has stopped decided to make her way towards them.

Anika bowed at front of his mother, Queen Subhadra only raised her brow and went straight to her son "It's been 9 days Shivay, You have stayed there for 9 straight days, Do you not care about your responsibilities" She scolded her son.

"You were there taking care of everything Mother, I had no worries of Palace because I trust you on taking care of everything in my absence" King Shivay said with a smile and hugged his Mother, The Queen smiled happily listening his response and wrapped her hand around his chest

"But I have missed my Son, and now I am old I cannot handle these responsibilities, I hope you will not be repeating it again" She said but in loving tone this time but in all this while her mean eyes were glaring at Anika "and I hope You will not let anything or anyone come in between your responsibilities"

King Shivay knew what his Mother is aiming to and he didn't want it to be on target of his Mother "No one is in between Mother and No one ever will be, I will be fulfilling my duties without any failure" he promised but he made this promise more to himself then her, After what has happened in past thirteen days has changed his way of thinking towards his own people, now they aren't a labour, farmer, importer, exporter or any kind of source of income for him, noe they are his people and it's his responsibility to take care of them so he will.

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