Married to Your Majesty - Part 32

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Four days, Four consecutive days King Shivay has followed same routine, he woke up with her by his side snuggling close to him, showering the woman beside him with kisses before he started with his day, sorting things in court room, taking decisions making changes torturing Dakus who were caught alive, having dinner with his wife in her chamber, before getting into bed with her and to cuddle and talk, and on fifty day It was all same like yesterday he has done it all till the dinner but his over concern and constant nagging about her unhealed injury has triggered his wife who suddenly wanted to sleep alone and have some private time, King Shivay was about to deny her and tell her to suck it up as it's not going to happen but when she went forward by laying on her side and giving him her back it has pissed him off and he too stormed out of her chamber even banging the adjacent door loud on his way out just to get some attention.

And now on his King size bed he is doing nothing but twisting and turning relentlessly unable to sleep, finally having enough of trying he head out of his chamber made his way into the garden to enjoy have some alone time only to find his wife sitting there with a shawl wrapped around her body, he first stepped back deciding to go back into his chamber but then he didn't want to leave her here alone so he sat down beside her gaining her attention.

"Couldn't sleep?" Anika asked placing side of her face on her knees and focussing her eyes on him, she could clearly see that the King is sulking, and inside she felt bad with the way she has behaved, truth to be told she herself wasn't able to sleep alone in her bed, his absence was making it hard for her to sleep.

"Who said?"It wasn't a good time to be egoistic and stubborn but King Shivay choose it to be as he replied back "I was fine in chamber untill I saw a silhouette of a person here and thought to check on it" he blatantly lied, and Anika being Anika nodded and turned her face another side feeling hurt.

King Shivay waited for her to say something back so he can talk more but when she didn't he huffed and stood up before pulling her on her feet as well "I can sleep perfectly fine in my chamber, but I think you aren't able to so let's get back to your chamber" he didn't even give a chance to Anika to defy, he simply pulled her behind him as he made his way in her chamber and get on bed before she could tell him otherwise.

He laid down on bed and closed his eyes, little did he expected her to say something, to tell him to go back, or to sleep at the edge of bed on her side but was shocked when nothing sort of that happened, he felt the bed dipping as she climbed up on bed, and she shocked him when she slept beside him and snuggled into his chest, his lips curved upward when she wrapped her arm around his chest and placed her head on top of his chest, In response he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her more close to his chest and letting darkness engulf him.


"It cannot keep going like this, I have to do something, anything" Queen Subhadra seethed, she hated the increasing closeness between her son and that Commoner girl, she paced to and fro in her chamber going from one end to another.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty likes her, I think we should let it be, I am also cutting this trip short, I have asked my father to prepare my travel back at home" Princess Aaradhna who was sitting and watching everything in silence spoke.

"You cannot Princess, You have told me you love my son, You cannot do this to me to him" Queen Subhadra spatted angrily not even trying to cover her disagreement with her sugar coated voice like usual "Just stay here for a month, He is just influenced by her nothing more, He will come into his senses" Queen Subhadra said.

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