2. ME

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I'll be honest, i've been scrapping and rewriting a plot for this book in particular. So please bare with me


"Okay my wallet...check. My phone....right here" Jimin says checking for his belongings before he leaves his apartment

Like he does everyday within these past few weeks, he's going to check on his mother. She's been admitted to the hospital and he always makes sure that she's not feeling lonely. Jimin is her only family after all.

Jimin has everything he needed and walks up to his front entrance to put his sneakers on. Just as he was about to unlock the door his phone rings from an unknown number. He answers the call while he opens the front door.

"Hello?" He asked with confusion

"Park brat" A familiar sinister voice speaks on the other end "You got my money right?"

Jimin paused in place. He was scared but he tried his best to play it cool. "Y-Yes Mr Lee I'm going to give you the payments. B-But isn't it due in two weeks?"

The man groans on the other side "I don't give a fuck about a damn date. I just want you to know that we're watching you Park."

The phone call ended and Jimin shakily sighs. He leans back against his front door trying to calm his beating heart. Never was this supposed to be Jimin's reality. He's a simple guy who just wanted his mother to be okay.

Jimin takes deep breathes and he makes his way to the hospital to visit his mother. Once inside he greets her with a big smile. Of course he can't worry her. He needs to stay strong for her.

"Is that my Jiminie?" she said in a sweet voice

"Yes mama i-its me" He said taking in her appearance

She was getting thinner and thinner by the day. It was hard to see but Jimin would pretend it didn't bother him.

He just smiles at her and hands her pink flowers he got from a nearby market. Pink is her favorite color and so Jimin would often gift his mom with anything pink.

"I was feeling a bit nauseous today"

Jimin pulls a chair to sit next to her bed "Is it because of the treatment? Do you need me to get you anything?" he asked frantically

"No it's okay baby you don't need to. In fact, the doctors are taking very good care of me here" His mother says with a little laugh

"Look at this, they gave me extra food" she said pointing to her tray of food

Jimin frowns because he noticed she wasn't eating anything. This made sense being that she was nauseous.

But she was concerned to not see her intake the proper nutrients she needed to heal. Jimin just wants her to heal.

"But how have you been my son?" She said looking her him with most adoration "I hope the hospital didn't bother you about the bill"

Jimin shakes his head "No it's okay mama I es able to pay it off easily" he lies being that he was behind

"I'm so proud of you. You're career of being an actor is doing well these days? Have you been eating well?"

Jimin laughs "Mom I'm not an actor i'm an influencer. Like a...an internet celebrity"

She widens her eyes and claps her hands once in realization "Oh right! Forgive me. The new generation has new ways of becoming famous"

Jimin looks down shyly "Well i'm not exactly famous yet...i'm just building my followers"

"Ohh I see you have to build fans?" She then caresses Jimin face "I'm sure you'll have many followers. You're my sweetest baby boy"

Jimin blushes and his cheeks were hurting from his mothers sweet words. She never fails to make him feel better. He really doesn't know what he would do if he loses her.

After the hospital visit, Jimin makes his way back home. He inputs his apartment code and was welcomed with laughs from his living room.

He smiles knowing his two best friends, Jungkook his editor and Seokjin his part time manager and childhood friend we're here. Yes, they knew the code to his apartment and visited quite often.

Jimin flops down on the couch and they stare at home curiously. Jin sits next to Jimin and starts playing with his hair.

"Are you okay my Mochi?" Jin asked

Jimin looks at Jin confused "Yes I'm fine hyung. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You tend to hide your feelings Mochi. I can never trust a face that's always smiling" Jin said with a bit of sarcasm

Jimin just laughs "I'm fine guys really. We're filming today right!?"

Jungkook shows his camera "Yup! Got my camera ready."

Jimin stands up from the couch and begins preparing for the video as happily as can be "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go"


I'm going to try to put out some these stories as quickly as I can. But also retain its quality. That's the goal.

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