17. FOR

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It's been a month that Jimin's been grieving. Slowly he has been doing better with encouragement. He would at least get out of bed and do other small activities.

He would watch television, scroll on his phone, and thankfully now eat. Of course when he did these things he wasn't the typical happy Jimin.

He would still stare blankly at the wall or cry before bed. Either way Namjoon would give him his space when needed, not push any boundaries, or comfort him when needed.

Namjoon decided to do something simple and fun. It's something the rich man had to get use to, doing simple activities. Thanks to Jimin he makes some efforts to do simple things because it's what Jimin likes instead of dramatics.

Namjoon planned to give Jimin a surprise party. Not for his birthday but just like a 'feel better' party. Jimin was told to take a walk with Namjoon at the park while Seokjin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung set up the decor and food at the Penthouse.

"I'm tired now" Jimin whines "Can't we go home?"

"uhh..." Namjoon checks his phone to know if their friends are done "Y-Yeah lets go"

Jimin looks at Namjoon suspiciously "You're never flustered. What happened? What's on your phone?" He said looking over at Namjoon phone. The taller puts it away quickly.

"No reason, I forgot something is all." Namjoon said now holding Jimin's hand "Mets go home"

They walk back to the penthouse apartment. As they were walking to their front door Namjoon was texting the other guys, telling them that they were approaching the door.

Jimin was already ahead of Namjoon and was about to input the door code. Namjoon walks faster to catch up to him.

Just as he opens the door "SURPRISE!" was shouted and confetti was thrown towards Jimin.

Jimin look genuinely shocked to his his friends and Namjoon's friends. He covers his mouth and instantly he feels emotional.

"He's crying noo!" Seokjin calls out as he walks over to give Jimin a hug

"W-Why you guys doing this? w-what's this for?" Jimin asked

"It's for fun! We wanted to party it up with you. You know...make you feel better" Hoseok explains feeling proud

Jimin looks around to see balloons all over the floor. Some food was laid out on the coffee table in the middle of the livingroom. Some music was playing and all the friends were wearing party hats.

There was also sets of flowers all over the apartment which Jimin could assume was Namjoon's doing because he loves gifting Jimin with flowers.

"To make me feel better? I-I-that's so sweet you guys" Jimin said wiping his tears "Thank you....thank you so much"

"How about we pop some liquor bottles and start the party!" Taehyung shouts

They all do just that and turn up the music. They all danced even though Namjoon wasn't into dancing. Jimin thought it was hilarious that his friends were able to encourage him.

Seokjin and Yoongi were the bartenders because they were good at making mixed drinks. Hoseok who was full of energy would hype everyone including Jimin the most. He was the official 'DJ' for the party. Jungkook was also the hype man along with Taehyung.

Jimin noticed that those two hit it off quite well. Taehyung would always get touchy with jungkook and flirt boldly in front of everyone. It was to the point that Yoongi had to tell them to get a room. But this made Jimin happy to see Jungkook able to move on.

"Man I'm still jealous Namjoon got Jimin!" Yoongi blurts out feeling tipsy

"Our Jiminie is popular huh?" Seokjin jokes

Jimin looks at Yoongi flustered "What do you mean hyung?"

"It was me" Yoongi points to himself "I was the one that was bragging about how beautiful you are to Namjoon and the others. But this guy—" he points at the taller who was amused "This guy just had to take my crush"

Hoseok laughs "Hyung are you admitting that you have a crush on Jimin when he's literally married to Namjoon!?"

"Yes...yes I am" Yoongi pouts

"I also had a crush on hyung...I can relate" Jungkoom input

Jimin looks at them embarrassed "Hey now...can we not talk about crushes. It's embarrassing" he said hiding his face

"See! Why're you so fucking cute! It's me, I was your fan first!" Yoongi shouts

"No I was!" Jungkook shoots up from his seat "I'm his best friend! I'm one of the reasons he started his youtube channel."

"So what? That doesn't—" The two continue to argue and Namjoon was starting to get jealous as they were talking about his husband

Seokjin just shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his vodka drink "I guess it's the Jimin effect"


It really is the Jimin effect 😮‍💨

It really is the Jimin effect 😮‍💨

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