13. ONE

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The following day the couple would get up at the same time. They felt sticky from the previous night. Jimin was especially shy.

Usually it's Namjoon that isn't talkative, but Jimin couldn't even look Namjoon in the eye.

Namjoon however couldn't keep his hands off of Jimin's body. It was now like a drug that he couldn't get enough of.

When they woke ho they took a bath in the tub. They would overlook the window that gave an amazing view of the beach. They wash each others bodies and Namjoon would jerk Jimin off.

After their morning bath the couple went downstairs to the smell of food. They both hold hands as per Namjoon's request.

In the kitchen area was a chef. There was already food laid out on the dining table so Jimin was told to sit.

"Good morning Chef Jung. How was the trip here?" He asked the Chef

"Ah ha! Good morning young master Namjoon! It's been a long time since i've seen you. And thank you for asking about my trip, it wasn't too hard to get here" The chef said in a loud voice

Jimin looks at the man's face and he did look quite familiar. Namjoon brings Jimin by his side. "Jimin this is one of personal Chefs, Chef Jung. He's actually the father of one of my best friends Jung Hoseok"

Jimin then remembered one of Namjoon's best friend with the lean body and contagious smile "Oh right, nice to meet you Mr. Jung"

"I'm pleased to meet you as well. Now, I was told you don't have any allergies before coming in this trip, anything you don't like to eat even though I already cooked some small dishes"

"Hmm no I have no allergies. Thank you so much" Jimin said giving his shining smile

"Alright! Breakfast will be ready soon!"

Namjoon sits at the dining table and he brings Jimin to sit on his lap. He wraps his arms protectively around Jinins waist and rest his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Namjoon...you're really touchy today" Jimin smirks

"How could I keep my hands off of you...you're perfect" Namjoon mumbles

Jimin blushes and he caresses his hands over Namjoon's. The food was soon ready and the chef served the main dishes. Namjoon still has Jimin sitting on his lap as they ate.

They talked about what their favorite food was, going to the beach, and just enjoying each others company.

After breakfast Namjoon surprised Jimin with a Yacht party. Namjoon has his own private yacht and he wanted to take Jimin out to the sea. Jimin was in awe seeing a Yacht. The amenities inside were super modern and high tech as well.

"I apologize Jimin, but I never asked if you get sea sickness before getting in this boat"

Jimin shakes his head "I don't think I do. But then again I've never been on a boat"

"You've never?" Namjoon asked surprised

Jimin shakes his head "Nope. But I guess I have you now to show me"

ATTENTION ★ MinJoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now