10. KNOW

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Jimin was awakened by a knock on his door as well as the doorbell ringing. He groggily gets out of bed and walks over to the intercom that also has a screen to see who's at the door. Jimin sees that it's Namjoon.

"N-Namjoon?!" Jimin then pressed the button to speak to him "Please wait!"

He then quickly washed his face, brushed his teeth, brushed his bed hair, and then puts on causal clothes that's not his pajamas. Jimin goes to the door and he lets Namjoon in.

The tall man was sitting on the floor being that he waited practically twenty minutes for Jimin to let him in.

"H-Hey Namjoon!" Jimin gives an awkward laugh "What's got you at my house so early?"

He gets up from the floor and dust off his clothes "I came to take you out today. I made sure to clear my schedule for the day. It is important that we get to know each other"

Jimin nods his head "You're right but uh...i'm sorry I was sleeping and I didn't expect you to arrive"

Namjoon puts a hand on top of Jimin's head "Is that why it took long for you to open the door? I wouldn't have minded to see you in your pajamas, Jimin"

Jimin just laughs "I don't know like you said we need to get to know each other first"

"Come let's go on a mall date" Namjoon said taking his hand off of Jimin's head begins walking

"Wait let me get my bag!"

Once Jimin and Namjoon made it to the mall they were slowly walking around. Not many people were around being that it was in the middle of the week during the day.

"By the way I never got to ask this but...I don't remember giving you my address. How'd you know where I live?" Jimin asked

Namjoon smirks "I have my ways of finding information about my future husband"

"B-But that—"

"Lets go into this store" Namjoon said leading Jimin into Versace

"But it's expensive" Jimin pouts

"You never have to pay for anything with your own money from now on. So don't worry okay?" Namjoon softly looks at Jimin


Just like that the day was spent with the two going into luxury name brand stores at the mall. Jimin felt bad for using Namjoon's money but Namjoon refused for Jimin to walk out of the store without a gift.

He also keeps reminding Jimin that Jimin needs to wear the best of the best if they're going to be seen together from now on. Unable to say no Jimin accepts the gifts but made sure to deeply thank Namjoon everytime.

Namjoon would even ask Jimin what were his preferences in fashion (even though the taller already knew because he secretly watches Jimin's videos). He just needed an excuse to make conversation with the smaller.

Jimin noticed how attentive Namjoon was of Jimin. He wasn't an affectionate man but he shows his appreciation or kindness in other gestures by giving and using polite kind words.

Only sometimes did Namjoon show physical affection. It would be small things like his arm being held by Jimin, fixing Jimin's hair, or even holding his hand for a moment.

When it was getting late Jimin told Namjoon that he has to go home. He wanted to see his mother but needed to drop off his new clothes. Namjoon drops Jimin off and kisses the back of his hand. Jimin wouldn't lie, he enjoyed it.

Jimin brings his bags upstairs refusing Namjoon help. He goes into his apartment and was hit with the smell of food.

He takes his shoes off and walks further inside with his bags to see Seokjin and Jungkook in his kitchen cooking.

Well it was Seokjin cooking mostly. Jungkook was sitting at the dining table like a kid that was on time out.

"Oh? Where were you Jiminie?" Seokjin asked as he stirred the pot of stew "Making some dinner"

"I was with Namjoon"

Then Jungkook scoffs "With your sugar daddy husband? Tell me hyung are you just some good digger now?"

Jimin looks at Jungkook shocked and hurt. Seokjin gasped and he smacks the back of Jungkook's head. "Yah! I didn't bring you here to start trouble. I brought you here to apologize and to make amends asshole"

Jungkook frowns and shrugs his shoulders "But look at him. He finally has some rich fucking lover and he's being spoiled with expensive shit."

"T-That's not true Kookie! Namjoon genuinely wanted to give me these things. I didn't want them at first!"

Seokjin groans frustrated "Now Jungkook, you know Jimin's not like that. Why're you being such an ass? TALK TO HIM WITHOUT LASHING OUT!"

Jimin was now crying "It's hard for me to say no okay? Namjoon was genuinely concerned for me. He just wanted to make me happy and...and today I actually enjoyed his company. It has nothing to do with money. I-I like him!"

Jungkook looks hurt "You...you like him?"

"Yes...at least i'm starting to" Jimin honestly admits "So i'm sorry Jungkook. You know you mean so much to me but Namjoon...he's the man in my life right now"

For the first time Jimin admits he's starting to like Namjoon. It's been a short amount of time but he can very much tell that Namjoon cared for him as well.


this is a fast pace story 😭
btw stan New Jeans they have good music okay bye bye

this is a fast pace story 😭btw stan New Jeans they have good music okay bye bye

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