5. ONE

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Jooheon threateningly raises his fist at Jimin making him cower and flinch.

"N-No it's not time to pay p-please don't do this. I-I'm going to give you the money! Please don't hurt me!" Jimin begs

"Well guess what, I don't give an absolute fuck stupid bitch. I need my money when I need my fucking money!" Jooheon yells "Boys, hold him up!"

Some lackeys take both of Jimin's arms and force him to stand up. Jimin tries to wiggle out of their grip. Jooheon has a bat in his hand and teasingly waves it near Jimin.

The boy screams in fear. Some people around him on the street just watch in horror, not even helping.

"No you can't do this. I just wanted to help my mo—"

Meanwhile Namjoon's chauffeur arrived at Purple Heart Hospital. His chauffeur gets out the car to open Namjoon's passenger car door.

The young CEO gets out and adjust his suit. He was off to see his mother aka also the Hospitals director.

Just as he was approaching the front entrance he heard screams from afar, coming from the left.

He turns to see some people maybe around like seven people looking at these group of thugs.

Namjoon frowns not able to see who this group was looking at or should he say arguing with. Namjoon tells his assistant to call his bodyguards that are usually waiting from afar when needed.

He heard a big scream sounding like someone got hurt. Namjoon then rushes over and thankfully the bodyguards are on his tail.

They approach the group of men and Namjoon for a closer look to see that it was PJM95 aka Jimin in the flesh. He got angry seeing that these thugs were hurting this defenseless human.

He himself also part took in the fight (despite having his suit on). The group of thugs were nearly defeated and beaten to a pulp when Namjoon ordered his men to stop.

Namjoon rushes over to what he assumes was the leader. His face was nearly blooded and his body nearly limp. Namjoon grabs him by his collar and shakes him violently.

Jimin, thankfully wasn't too injured just a bruised face, ran up to Namjoon. He places a delicate hand on Namjoon's arm and he gave him a pleading look.

"D-Don't hurt him...everyone just stop fighting!" He yells while crying

Namjoon scoffs "These assholes were trying to kill you and youre defending them?"

Jimin looked scared, he was shaking "I-I don't w-want anyone hurt. Let's just settle this...this peaceful please" he said looking at both Jooheon and Namjoon

Namjoon thinks for a moment and then he throws Jooheon on the ground. He dust off his suit and he snaps his fingers.

His assistant comes close to him with a black brief case. Namjoon takes it and he takes out a checkbook. He begins signing it and then he throws it to Jooheon.

"I don't know what this boy has done to you, but leave him. Take this money and never show your face to him again. Now leave!" Namjoon said angrily even making Jimin flinch

Jooheon shakily takes the check Namjoon just wrote. He sees that the amount was nearly 250 million Won. Jooheon then slowly gets up from the ground as he backs away.

"I-I don't have a bank account I only accept cas—"

"I said scram! Leave!" Namjoon yells

Jooheon doesn't hesitate to run away and the rest of his lackeys run after him in fear. Jimin was looking down at his shoes still crying.

Namjoon brings his hands to Jimin's chin to lift his head up so they were looking at each other.

Namjoon felt his heart pumping as he got a good look at Jimin. The shape of his lips and how perfectly pink they were.

Those gentle eyes that were still holding tears. His unblemished skin even though his cute cheeks were red from a slap.

His small body frame. Namjoon swore he's never felt this feeling with anyone.

"Come to my office tomorrow. I have preposition for you" is all Namjoon could say

He wanted to show how concerned he was but he was too nervous. He was so used to showing his strict nature. Namjoon hoped Jimin would take him seriously and that he would show up.

"Here's my card. I'll be waiting" Namjoon then hands Jimin his personal business card

Jimin accepts it and stares at it confused. He then looks up to see Namjoon and his men were already leaving. They went into the hospital without a glance back.

"W-What just happened?" is all Jimin mumbles his mind still not processing the chaos he just went through


Our big strong HERO 😳

Our big strong HERO 😳

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