11. YOU'RE

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One month later

Jimin was waiting behind two double doors wearing a white suit with frills at the end of the jacket suit sleeve and the bottom of his pants. His hair was slightly curled and dyed blonde for this event. Today is the day that Jimin would officially marry Kim Namjoon.

It was a small wedding thankfully. It was only close friends, family, and business partners from Namjoon's side. And Jimin had his friends (yes Jungkook agreed to go), and his mother only.

He was nervous as the doors were going to open any minute and we would walk down the aisle with his white flower bouquet in  his hands.

He takes deep breaths, it's what his mother told him to do. Oh boy does Jimin remembered telling his mother about getting married.


Jimin walks into his mother's hospital room. He peeks his head through and gave her a big smile.

She was sitting up in her hospital bed watching television so she turned around thinking it was a doctor or nurse.

Instead she shouts happily when it was her baby boy as if she hadn't seen him in years.

"Mama!" Jimin greets "I bought some cookies!"

"Oh baby thank you!" she then takes the cookies and behind to devour them "I was craving them like crazy"

Jimin sits on the end of her bed "I'm glad to see you have an appetite again"

His mother shakes her head "Today is probably the rare days I do actually— Oh?" she looks at Jimin's hand

"Jiminie...when did you get that ring?"

Jimin looked down at his hand to see Namjoon's obviously big engagement ring. Sometimes he forgot he had it on.

Then that's when it occurred to him he didn't tell his own mother about the marriage. Life's been so busy lately he was just concerned about his mothers health whenever he visited her.

"Oh this thing?" Jimin chuckled awkwardly "Y-Yeah I forgot to mention but i'm getting married"

"What!" she said excited "I didn't even know you were dating. When were you gonna tell me!?"

Jimin blushes "Oh well i-it just kinda slipped my mind. He asked me and—"

"Tell me his name tell me who it is!" she claps

Jimin laughs "Okay okay"

Jimin then proceeds to tell his mother about Namjoon. She doesn't mention to her that he saved him from loan sharks. So she had to remove certain parts of the story.

He tells her that they both met at a business event instead. This was the most he's seen his mother smile in a very long time.

"Things are moving pretty quickly huh? But Jimin as long as you're happy with this then I'm happy. Okay?"

Jimin tears up and he hugs his mother "Thanks mom, I love you so much"

ATTENTION ★ MinJoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now