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I got my New Jeans GET UP Powerpuff Girl album in the mail today! It's such an aesthetic~

I got my New Jeans GET UP Powerpuff Girl album in the mail today! It's such an aesthetic~

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"We're going to see how the response from the public about the new phone colors before we release the other accessories" A worker from the Marketing department states to Namjoon

Namjoon was currently in a meeting about some new products that are about to be launched.

Kim Tech is the top leading tech company in the nation and Namjoon has to be very selective about what products he's selling to the public.

He expects nothing but the best being that it's what his father taught him and is what made the company successful.

"Good and once we launch the each product make sure to give me details reports immediately about what sold the least" Namjoon said in a stern but respectful tone "Those products will need further testing if so"

"Yes sir" the worker agreed

"Also after the products are sold we will need to look into a new season of representatives for the brand. I'm counting on you, the marketing team to provide a list of candidates. I'll make sure to overlook and approve."

A female employee with thick glasses raised her hands "We've already been working on that sir. Would you like the folder we've compiled?"

Namjoon nods his head "Good, i'm glad to see good productivity. Bring it to me after lunch please"

Namjoon then stands up from the end of the large meeting table. He makes sure to look at every employee surrounding the table. He hums in contentment which made everyone relax a bit. It was hard to impress Namjoon. The young CEO has high expectations.

"So far everyone has been working tremendously well. Keep this up I'll see good news in the future for everyone. Thank you all for giving your input and research for this meeting. You are all dismissed" He tells the room of employees

Everyone gets up from their seats collects their belongings and bows to Namjoon respectfully before leaving the room.

Namjoon also started collecting his own stuff when his father approached him. He was standing outside the door waiting for the meeting to be done.

"I take it that the meeting went well?" His father asked while fixing his own tie

Namjoon notices this and internally scoffs. He knows that his father has been fucking the secretary in his own office. Cheating on his own wife, Namjoon's mother, for decades isn't a new thing. But Namjoon usually avoids talking about it.

"Yes father the new products are ready for launch in a few weeks. As executive director you do have to sign on a few papers by the way" Namjoon says keeping his professional tone at all times

His father nods his head "Of course son. But I came here to speak to you about something important. Do you have time?" he asked sitting down in one of the chairs

Namjoon knew it wasn't really a choice when his father asked this question. So with a blank expression he just sits and waits for his father to speak.

"Have you been looking into possible suitors to be your wife or husband?"

Namjoon wanted to roll his eyes but he was good at masking his facial expressions. It's very important to his family that Namjoon has found someone to marry.

To his family its all about how they look to the public. To have a successful career and to be married was what made them look picture perfect. Namjoon didn't care about these things.

He was only focused on his career and living his life the way he wanted to. But if he wasn't putting effort into finding a partner, it would cause an argument.

His parents would even set him up on blinf dates with people that weren't even attractive to him, spiritually and emotionally.

But at this point he supposed their things shouldn't matter when it's all about money and success. Loveless marriage is typical for people like their family.

Namjoon doesn't want to deal with his parents antics at this time. So he does all he can right now, and that is to lie.

"Yes father, i've found a suitor."

His father looked at him surprised "Well what is this persons name? What family did they come from? When we will we mee—"

"I will make arrangements for meetings later. As of right now, I am busy with work" He then bows this father "If you would excuse me" he said leaving the room

Namjoon locks himself in his office for the remainder of the time. When it was finally lunch break his secretary came into his office to bring his food.

She has her shirt unbuttoned to show her boob job and also a skin tight skirt to show off her small curves. She keeps a big smile on her face and walks slowly towards Namjoon's desk.

"Here you are Mr. Kim your lunch has arrived" She said in a low seductive voice

Namjoon groans in annoyance because she was always trying to seduce him. He was honestly never interested in her and he's even confront her about it. Delusion was truly a mental illness that needs to be addressed.

"Leave" he said coldly to her

She looks at him slightly offended but still keeps a smile on her face "Y-Yes sir"

As soon as she leaves he takes his phone out and opens the youtube app. His thumbs immediately search the one person he's been watching these past few days, PJM95. He uploaded a new video.

In the video Jimin was wearing am oversized sweater giving him sweater paws. His hair was fluffy on top of his head as he greets his viewers with a bright smile and his sweet tenor voice.

His two friends that were always on the other side of the camera were joking with him making the video even more entertaining.

In the video Jimin was trying on cheap clothing that he essentially found at thrift shops. He was also promoting brands that the average consumer would purchase.

Even though he was promoting them he would indicate he wasn't being paid for the promotion and that he genuinely really loves these brands.

The video ended and he asked his viewers what other videos they would like to see. Namjoon gives a small smile when he does his cute flying kiss and the video ends.

It was crazy that this simple youtuber got cold man Namjoon to invested. Namjoon however would never show this to anyone.


I'm trying my best here. I really am 😭

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