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Jimin was too distraught to plan his own mothers funeral. But with the help of Namjoon,  Seokjin, and Jungkook they were able to make things work beautifully.

It's usually expensive to bury a person in a casket, but Namjoon of course offered the best services for Jimin's mother.

As they watch her casket being brought into the ground, Jimin just bites his lips trying his best to not cry. He cried so much that his face was puffy and his eyes were red.

He cried so much that he had multiple headaches and a sore throat. But his husband and his two best friends never left his side. They all three flowers into his mothers grave and gave their blessings.

When the funeral was finished he begged to go home. Usually people would have a meal together but Jimin just wanted to lay in bed.

He wanted to escape from the reality. So Namjoon complied and brought him back home without a word said.

That one day in bed turned into a week. Jimin was unable to get out of bed. So many times Namjoon would try to coax him out and get him to eat. Namjoon even took days off from working to make sure Jimin had company, even if they never talked.

Seokjin and Jungkook would also come over to try to get Jimin to eat. Even their efforts were futile. But no one dared to leave Jimin alone. Namjoon felt his heart break for the smaller.

"Jimin? I bought you a gift. It's some cheesecake. Seokjin hyung told me you like these things" Namjoon said walking into their bedroom

Jimin was still. He stares up at the ceiling under the covers with a blank expression. Namjoon sighs and he sits next to Jimin in bed.

He's never had to console someone grieving before. In fact Namjoon was never the type to spill his emotions.

"Maybe...maybe we should talk about it. Tell me what do you feel?" Namjoon asked softly

Jimin slowly turns his head to Namjoon and tears formed once again. Namjoon immediately gets under the covers with Jimin and makes sure to cuddle his husband. He rubs his back gently and sweet talks him.

"You can tell me anything you're feeling. I won't force you to do anything else. J-Just talk to me. It's hard seeing you like this. You know...I'll listen"

Jimin weakly starts "I...I don't know what I will do with out her hyung. She was my only family"

Namjoon hums "Tell me more. Anything happy?"

Jimin shakes his head as he pulls away from Namjoon "No...our past was never happy. Mom she...she was a single mother. Always so positive and supportive even though we were living in the streets"

He then laughs a humorless humorless laugh "My father left her when I was only six months old. She was an orphan so she had no one to...to depend on at such a young age"

"She was only seventeen when she had m-me. But everyday she would smile and act as if nothing b-bothered her" he explains as more tears flowed

"She fell into the life of drugs. It's the man reason to why she...s-she got sick. But in those moments of working multiple jobs and living in the streets with me"

"she would always encourage me to get an education and...treat others kindly no matter how cruel the world is"

Namjoon felt tears pricking his eyes. He grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth so he couldn't relate. But hearing of people in poor conditions made him want to work hard. He wanted to give back to the community.

"I wanted to try my best as her son to give her the best of the best...but she got sick before I could do it. She had to spend her last moments even in a hospital room...s-suffering" Jimin cried harder

Namjoon again hugs Jimin. He didn't stop his own tears as he sympathized with Jimin. Hearing his story made him want to work hard.

"Park Jimin I vow...to make up for the bad times you've been through. For you and your mother...I promise you" Namjoon whispered as he consoles Jimin with gentle touch


This is very depressing I know 😭

ATTENTION ★ MinJoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now