4. BUT

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Jimin was on his way to visit his mother in the hospital. He was rushing out because he got a call from the doctor that his mother wasn't doing well today and they they needed to discuss plans in thr future. This scared him.

Just as he was about to get out the door, Jungkook was in the front about to input Jimin's door code. Jimin nearly hit him when he pushed the door open.

"Oh oh sorry!" Jimin apologizes worried if he hit his best friend

Jungkook smiles "It's okay hyung i'm fine. Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"The hospital, my mom isn't doing very well today" Jimin said sadly

Jungkook's eyes widen takes Jimin's hand gently into his own "Lets go i'll take you to the hospital in my car"

Jimin nods his head and follows Jungkook. During the car Jimin kept twitching his leg nervously. Jungkook wanted to hug him and comfort him, tell him every thing would be okay. It hurt him to see Jimin like this.

"She's been getting thinner Kookie. I've been doing my best to be positive but...I don't know"

"I know hyung it's hard. But you have to stay positive okay? I just want you to know that i'm here for you. I can take care of you and your mom when you need" Jungkook said placing a hand on Jimin's thigh when the light turns red

Jimin gives a weak smile "I couldn't ask you of much Kookie. You have your own problems"

Jungkook shakes his head "My problems aren't that bad"

Once they make it to the hospital Jimin thanks his best friend and runs into the hospital. Before he goes into his mothers room he's approached by her doctor that's nearby talking to another colleague.

"Mr. Park I hope you're well. Do you mind if we talk?" he asked Jimin with a serious expression

"Y-Yes Doctor is everything okay?"

The Doctor sighs "The treatment your mother is receiving isn't enough and i'm afraid to say it won't do her good. She'll need a more effective treatment but...it'll be costly"

Jimin grabs at his head "N-Not effective? How can this be?"

The Doctor sighs again looking down at his chart "She's a lot sicker than we anticipated. Her body is rejecting the medications...i'm so sorry"

Jimin's vision gets blurry. He thanks the Doctor for letting him know this information and bows politely.

Once the doctor was gone he crouched down in front of his mother's hospital room not ready to go in yet. He just cried because he knew he had to be strong in front of her.

When he felt he was ready to go in, he looks through door window. He sees his mother was sleeping and she looked to be in pain. Jimin shakes his head and again the tears came pouring out.

"I can't...I can't do this" Jimin sobs and runs out the hospital.

Just as he runs out the hospital he's gripped by a tight squeeze on his wrist. Jimin nearly dropped down in fear to see it was Lee Jooheon and his lackeys. AKA the loan sharks he got a loan from to pay his mother's hospital bills.

They looked down at him with scary smirks and grins. Some of them were carrying weapons in their hands. Jimin whimpered in fear.

"Please...Please not today!" Jimin gets on his knees and begs

Jooheon laughs "Well well well...we finally got the bitch on his knees"


Why does my cat have to be annoying at like...5am? Can I SLEEP!? (love her tho😫)

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Like Yoongi how do I control your family!?

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