12. THE

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Once they arrived to the private island, there was a driver waiting for them at the airport. Some workers took their luggage and also packed it in the car for them.

"When did you pack my luggage anyways?" Jimin questions Namjoon as they were in the car looking at the dark road

"I actually did not. I just asked my assistant to buy you some clothes and toiletries" Namjoon explained with a shrug

"O-Oh" Jimin said with a blush thinking about how considerate Namjoon is "You really planned this out"

"I figured you'd enjoy the surprise. Is there any specific clothing items that belonged to you that you wanted?" Namjoon then takes his phone out "I can call t—"

Jimin moves Namjoon's hands down "No no it's okay. There's no need to worry about that"

Namjoon just nods his head and puts his phone away. The car driver drives for a lot twenty minutes more until they arrive at a large modern Beach house. The driver helps them take their bags out. Namjoon then rolls their bags into the house. He opens the door with his fingerprint and also eye scan.

"whoa...such high tech security" Jimin was impressed

"It's a multi million dollar smart home. Top security is a necessity"

Once inside Jimin was in awe again. The house was an overall open concept with high ceiling, some large windows that went from the floor to the ceiling, modern white, brown, and tan furniture.

There was an upstairs loft looking area and also a fire place and a few bookshelves. Also all types of plants and paintings in every corner of the house.

"This house is very much so...you" Jimin beams "It's nice"

"Thank you. It was a gift from my family" Namjoon gives a small smile "Now should we shower and get ready for bed?"

Jimin nods his head and he heads to the bathroom that was closest to the kitchen. Even the bathroom was big. A giant shower and even a jacuzzi styled bathtub near a window. Perfect for watching the sunset while bathing.

Meanwhile Namjoon uses the bathroom in the master bedroom upstairs. It was also large like the bath room downstairs.

It has an even bigger shower that can possibly fit ten people. The bathtub as well. Some him and her sinks and a large mirror over it with LED lights.

Namjoon was at peace at his beach home and he chooses to shower while he thinks of what he and Jimin will do together.

Jimin took about an hour in the bathroom. He was busy looking through the clothes Namjoon got him which were clothes he typically would wear nothing expensive.

Maybe Namjoon finally understands that Jimin is overwhelmed by the fancy clothes he's been buying him.

But he did notice one clothing item, and that was a Burgundy silk robe with matching pajama shorts on the bottom.

He has five of them in different color. Jimin blushes seeing that he got him male lingerie.

"W-Would he want to see me in this? It's the only pajama..." Jimin just shake away the dirty thoughts and moisturizes his body before putting on the robe and shorts.

ATTENTION ★ MinJoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now