9. I

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When Jimin got home from Namjoon's date, he contemplated his life. He wasn't particularly upset that he agreed to marry Namjoon, but he wasn't happy either.

He's marrying a stranger afterall. It made Jimin stay up all night in his thoughts as he stared at the engagement ring on his finger.

He kinda convinced himself that maybe it was the best way to pay Namjoon back for the debt. Namjoon did inform him that Jimin would be helping him a lot.

Today is the following day after the proposal date. He was expecting Seokjin and Jungkook to come over. He had to tell them the news since his life would be changing dramatically.

"Yo! Jimin!" Jin shouts coming into the apartment quickly taking off his shoes

Jungkoom was right behind him carrying a bag of food. His two friends have the code to the apartment so they walk in casually as if they lived here as well. Jimin walks over to the entrance to greet them.

"You got food! ugh thank you" Jimin cheers

The three unpack the food and began eating. Jimin closes his eyes and moans at the taste. Jungkook kept staring at Jimin shamelessly and Seokjin noticed this smacking the back of his head. Jungkook whines at Jin. Jimin looks at them with one raised eyebrow.

"So I was thinking maybe today we can do a quick photo shoot for this clothing brand that reached out to us." Jin started to say "It would be a good business oppor—"

"I have something I have to say" Jimin suddenly said not able to talk about work right now

"What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook asked "Did someone threaten you again!"

"W-What? No why did you assume the worse kookie?" Jimin chuckles

"Because the only time you give that nervous look is because of those fucking loan sharks...I swear one day i'll de—"

"No, it's not that. I'm...I'm getting married to Kim Namjoon" Jimin blurts out nervously

His two friends had total shock on their faces. They looked at each other and then back at Jimin. Jungkook stands up from his seat dropping his chopsticks in shock. Jin just looked at Jimin confused.

"Married? Park Jimin...you're not even dating anyone" Jin said shaking his head "We're with you all the time and you never men—"

"Hyung did you say you're marrying Kim Namjoon? What the actual fuck!" Jungkook said angrily making Jimin flinch

Jin puts a gentle hand on Jungkook's shoulder "Jungkook calm down, let Jimin explain first"

"Y-Yes it's Namjoon and it's going to be like an...arranged wedding"

"Arranged? W-Wait Jimin how did you come inky contact with one of Korea's biggest billionaires?"

Jimin goes on to explain the incident at the hospital. He then explains that all last week Namjoon has been courting him with gifts so that he would agree to this arrangement. Then goes on to explain the date yesterday.

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