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Jimin has just received what is probably his twentieth pair of expensive shoes from Namjoon.

His husband would literally come home from work and bring Jimin back lavish gifts everyday. It's an addiction at this point.

Namjoon is aware that Jimin likes more simple things but he just couldn't help himself. He loves seeing Jimin's flustered reaction whenever he opens something new.

These days Jimin does wear the new gifts. Mostly because he would feel guilty if he didn't.
Being that Namjoon was always giving when it came to their relationship, Jimin wanted to do something nice in return.

It's hard though, giving a billionaire something that they most likely already own. So Jimin would have to give something that wasn't materialistic.

Hey Taehyung! I wanted to gift Namjoon but what does he like?

Sex he likes sex


LOL it's true. that's all I can say 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jimin was indeed flustered. He taps his chin thinking about asking his other two friends. So he clicks Hoseok's contact hoping that he would give him a fun idea since head generally a fun guy.  

Hey Hoseokie hyung~ I've been thinking of gifting Namjoon with something special. Anything you know he likes?

something he likes? Well he's a bit of a perv that loves sexual fantasy so maybe...

Jimin groans "Why are his friends so weird!"


sorry Jiminie that's all he thinks about in that ice break head believe it or not HAHAHA

Just give him the Jimin booty. 👀

Jimin shakes his head and squeals. Jimin wasn't hyper sexual. The last time him and Namjoon had sex was their honeymoon. That was definitely unplanned and in the moment.

But Jimin enjoyed it because Namjoon was super attractive and it provoked something within Jimin. But Namjoon was a gentleman. Even if he was horny he never noticed it. Yoongi was his last resort.

Hey hyung~ I'm trying to surprise Namjoon with something but I don't know what he likes. Should I plan a date or buy something?

Why not plan a date. Namjoon has everything money can buy already.

Yes! That's what I thought too. What do you think I should do?

Jimin don't take this the wrong way but I promise you this will work.

You should go to sex store and buy a pretty outfit, some sex toys, and have a great night 😉

Jimin blinks his eyes in disbelief as he reads the text messages on his phone. He groans throwing his phone to the side.

Jimin for the most part isn't the type to do 'sexy' concepts. Well he has done it for photos but to act sexy to encourage sex or flirting wasn't his thing. In a way he was a bit of an innocent person.

"Well I guess my husband is a freak..."

Jimin follows Namjoon's friends advice anyways. He looks online for some men's lingerie. He wants to go for a more feminine boy type of concept.

It was closer to how he dressed anyways. He then looked online what are some sex toys partners like using.

Jimin took serious mental notes and he would purchase these items. All he has to do it wait for them to arrive either the next day or next few days.

It was funny when he did get the packages. Because he didn't go outside often Namjoon would be the one to question the packages when he walks into the apartment.

Jimin would quickly take the box from his hands and hide it. Namjoon didn't question it even though he really wanted to.

It was up until the very last item Jimin needed came in the mail. This time Jimin was ready at the lobby to collect the package himself. Today would be the day he would initiate his plan.

It would be approximately thirty minutes until Namjoon comes home from work. Jimin rushes upstairs and as soon as he makes it to the bedroom he opens all the packages. He laid all the products on the bed and stared at them shyly.

"Okay...let's do it"

Jimin changes into the lingerie first. It was a red lace body suit that has an opening purposefully near his private areas. It came with a leg garter and matching lace socks that go up to his thighs.

Jimin goes into the mirror and messes his hair up a little. He also puts some lip balm on his lips to make them look even more juicy than they already are.

He looks at the fluffy red handcuffs and wraps it only around his left wrist. He washes the anal vibrator and also the cock rings so that they are ready for use.

He now lays in bed posing for picture on his phone so he can send them to Namjoon later. He then puts his phone aside and closes the other handcuff.

He lays on his back as he waits for Namjoon. Thankfully he was just in time. Namjoon walks into his quiet apartment. He takes his shoes off and he looks around to find Jimin.

"Jimin?" He calls out for his smaller husband

Namjoon walks into his bedroom and he opens the door. He seems the most delectable sight he's ever seen.

Jimin was there in a sexy revealing outfit with handcuffs on. He looked shy but that just fueled Namjoon's ego.

"Oh fuck"


Yes, they did the do. But I can't write it because the chapter would be too long. I have a strict schedule with this series.

You all can come up with your own smut scenes in your head or write them out here in the comments for everyone to see. Go crazy.

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