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Jimin approached the large sky scraper building called Kim CORP Tower. Jimin just looks at high the building is and just was in awe.

Yesterday after he went home he did some research on the man that saved him. He looked fairly familiar and important.

Using the information from the business card, he found out that he was saved from the one and only young CEO Kim Namjoon.

Jimin was in disbelief on how the odds of meeting the man and then him saving Jimin was little to none. But then again not many people get into these shitty predicaments as Jimin.

The whole night Jimin couldn't sleep. He would toss and turn in bed thinking what would Namjoon possibly want from him. He even thought why would this man even save him. What made Jimin so special?

Jimin takes a deep breath, in and out, and walks into the doors. The lobby was big and had an very high ceiling.

Different workers walked around the building in their business clothes. Since this was the first floor there were also some convenience stores and cafes.

Jimin just walks up to the reception desk. There was a young woman wearing a high bun. She has a bright smile on her face for the most optimal customer service.

"Hello sir how may I help you?"

"I uhh was asked by Mr Kim Namjoon to come into his office?" Jimin said sounding unsure

The lady frowns as she looks Jimin up and down. His attire screamed baby boy with oversized clothes and cutesy accessories. She scoffs but then gives a mocking smile.

"Sir Mr Kim wouldn't ask to see a nobody like you. Now if you would leave before I call secu—"

"Jimin-ssi glad to see you" Namjoon said walking with a group of a dozen workers behind him

The front desk lady, who now was nervous  and other receptionist nearby all bowed. Jimin flustered also bowed as a greeting.

"Glad you made it, I just finished a meeting. Follow me upstairs to my office"

Jimin looks at the people who were looking at him confused. He gives an awkward smile. "O-Okay i'll follow your lead"

Jimin follows Namjoon to his penthouse office. Namjoon's office didn't even look like an office at all, it was basically a mini apartment.

Namjoon has a sitting area with some leather couches facing each other and a coffee table in the middle.

He calls his secretary to bring in some drinks. Namjoon chooses coffee while Jimin just chose water. Once settled in Jimin just awkwardly looks at Namjoon not knowing what to expect.

"Have any of those thugs contacted you after the fight?" Namjoon asked as he sips his hot coffee

Jimin blinks as he remembers the events of yesterday "N-No...thank you about that. But you really didn't need to beat them up. What if the police got involved and then it would've been more dramatic an—"

ATTENTION ★ MinJoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now