14. GOT

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Just like that the newly wedded couple's seven day honeymoon was over. Once they returned, Jimin moves into Namjoon's penthouse apartment.

He was sad to part with his furniture but Namjoon promised Jimin he could redecorate the penthouse if he wanted.

Jimim felt weird doing that since this home wasn't originally his. But Namjoon let him have free reign over anything.

He even made his home office (that he technically never used because he only worked at the company) into Jimin's recording studio.

He set him him up with the latest cameras, microphones, green screen, chairs, mini mixing device, and even some back drops for him to take photos.

Jimin nearly cried when he returned from the honey to see this. Kim Namjoon was definitely spoiling him. Of course he didn't accept the man for materialistic reasons, but because Namjoon was a man of honor and pride.

Currently Jimin was at Kim Tech building. Namjoon was sitting next at the head of a a leave meeting table. Ahead of them were Namjoon's employees. Jimin had no idea why he was called here.

"With the launch of our newest products a couple weeks ago, sales have been doing good but not great." Namjoo begins to say "I have decided that brand ambassadors are of importance at this time. The first brand ambassador I personally have chosen will be my husband Park Jimin"

Jimin looks at Namjoon wide eyed. Namjoon's employees all stood up and clap their hands. Jimin was confused on how he would become an ambassador.

"My husband is an up and coming youtuber and this business deal with not only up his viewer count, but to have the best modeling with my newest products. Anyone would want to buy from such a convincing person" Namjoon then gestures to Jimin

The smaller was baffled "M-Me? But how would you want me to do this...I-I don't want to mess anything up and—"

Namjoon places a hand on Jimin's thigh "You will be fine, my love"

Jimin instantly felt warm inside. He just nods his head "Okay, then I can do it"

From then on Jimin became the face model of Kim Tech. He would do photo shoots with the products, even act out in commercials, and on his own youtube channel he would promote the products.

Jin and Jungkook had to admit they were happy to see their little team doing well when the subscribers on youtube went to one million.

Jimin's instagram following also went up to about five hundred thousand followers. The comments under his post were full of love.

Currently Jimin was standing around a crowd of upper class people and tech guru. Namjoon wanted to throw a party in celebration of the new products as a way of promotion. Many people kept congratulating Jimin as he stuck by Namjoon's side as he felt a bit shy.

Meanwhile Jungkook was filming every thing for a future vlog. He was still in his feelings over Jimin getting married to basically a stranger.

But Seokjin had a long talk with him about respecting Jimin's decisions. It's still awkward between Jimin and Jungkook since they haven't had a full blown conversation a lot Jungkook's confession but he was still by Jimin's side no matter what. What he didn't realize was that this was about to change.

When Namjoon stepped away for a bathroom break Jimin was standing around awkwardly. He was honest speaking in the camera telling his viewers that the party was amazing but he's not used to this setting. Jungkook pulls the camera down wanting to comfort his friend.

"What's wrong Kookie?" Jimin asked

"Come, you looked overwhelmed let's get some air" Jungkook said already grabbing Jimin's hand leading him to a balcony nearby

Jimin did feel like he could breath once the cold air hit his face. The night was clear and only the faint sound of the music and peoples chattering from the inside was heard.

"I'm sorry" Is all Jimin said

Jungkook looks at Jimin with a raised eyebrow, confused "Sorry about what?"

"for you know...that time you confessed. I'm sorry I-I'm sorry—" Jimin starts to tear up

Jungkook immediately hugs Jimin close to his chest. "No no it's hyung you don't need to apologize. I'm the one that's sorry. I shouldn't have got so angry"

Jimin looks up with cute teary eyes "But Kookie I don't want to disappoint you. You and Seokjin mean so much to me. I-I'm sorry I can't return your feelings...maybe if things were different maybe—"

"It's okay hyung really" Jungkook tries to sound convincing, but he's really convincing himself. He feels a lump in his throat "We can't always get what we want. You're still my number one hyung...don't tell Seokjin"

Jimin laughs and then wipes his tears pulling away from the hug "I see you like a little brother and I just want you to know that I will always love and appreciate you okay? I don't want us to fight"

Jungkook looks at Jimin sadly but at the same time he felt a huge weight off his shoulders "I love you too hyung. I promise we're still friends. I just couldn't resist your charms. But Namjoon seems like a respectable guy...so it's okay"

Jimin nods his head "I think slowly i'm falling in love already"



I started writing this chapter at like 9:45am. I went to look up something on instagram really quickly but...why did that "quickly" end up me being on Tik Tok for like 5 hours straight? Why did I get distracted...

why did that "quickly" end up me being on Tik Tok for like 5 hours straight? Why did I get distracted

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