15. ME

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In the middle of the night Jimin phone rang but by his bedside. Namjoon was sleeping peacefully next to him. Jimin wakes up half asleep picking up from an unknown number.

"hello..." Jimin answers with his low morning voice

"Is this Park Jimin?" A woman on the phone asked

Jimin wipes his eyes "Y-Yes? Who am
I speaking with?"

"I'm calling from Purple Hope Hospital. You're mother was just in an emergency situation. She's weakening and her vitals are not looking good—"

"What!?" Jimin shouts now fully awake

Namjoon wakes up hearing Jimin's shout. He yawned and frowned hearing the panic in his husbands voice.

So he sits up and claps his hands for the light to come on. Jimin's was crying and he nods his head listening to the voice on the phone.

"Okay...I-I'll be right there"

Jimin throws his phone down and began walking to the bedroom door. He didn't bother to change his clothes. Namjoon followed him.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" He asked observing Jimin putting shoes on

"M-My mother...she...she's dying." Jimin sobs

Namjoon sighs "Okay i'll drive you to the hospital okay?"

They both get in the car with their pajamas on and drive to the hospital. The hospital is owned by Namjoon's mother and so he felt upset.

He felt upset that his own family couldn't help Jimin's family. He grips the steering wheel as he heard Jimin's cries.

Once they made it Namjoon just parks in front of the hospital entrance without a care. Jimin immediately gets out the car and runs to the reception desk frantically.

The woman already recognizes Jimin so she lets him up without a words. Namjoon was close behind him.

Once in the hospital room Jimin was greeted by some Doctors and his mother laying in bed looking weak and i'm pain.

She can barely keep her eyes open. But she notices Jimin and she gives a sweet smile for her son.

"Mom!" Jimin runs to the bed holding her hand tightly "Please mom don't go!"

"Jimin-ah my sweet baby boy...you know I love you right?"

Jimin trembles "Please mom we can't fix you w-we ca—"

"I can't hold on any longer son. I just..just want you t-to know that... I love too please take care of yourself?" She said and gives one last breath of her life

The sound of the heart monitor going to a long beep and the doctors immediately move Jimin out the way. Jimin thrashes around crying out for his mother.

But Namjoon hugs him close letting the doctors do their jobs as best as they could even though they knew there's was no hope.

"Mom! NO!" Jimin screams into his husband chest

"time of death 4:25am" a doctor announced

Just like that, Jimin felt his whole world crashing down. His one and only blood lying on her death bed unmoving. The woman who fought so hard for him, is no longer alive.

ATTENTION ★ MinJoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now