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It's safe to say that Jimin's ass wasn't sore...yet. Namjoon and Jimin did go at it two times now. Jimim wondered, when did Namjoon obtain all this sudden stamina.

This time unlike their first time being intimate, things were a lot more lust driven. Jimin didn't mind it. In fact he loved this side of Namjoon. It made Jimin think that maybe he was a freak.

But now the married couple are taking a break as they lay in bed, sweaty and catching their breath as they chase down their high. Namjoon lays down facing Jimin and they stare deeply into each others eyes.

He leans forward and pecks Jimin's lips multiple times causing them both to chuckle. They were stupidly in love. This marriage may have started as an arrangement but Namjoon truly chose Jimin well.

Their love has grown as quickly as their marriage started. This intense feeling of love was like no other.

"I love you" Namjoon blurts out

Jimin's smile drops as he looks at Namjoon surprised. They hadn't used the words 'i love you' or 'i like you'. They would prove their appreciation to each other in action. So hearing made Jimin emotional. He felt happy.

"I-I-I love you too...Namjoon hyung"

Namjoon smiles and he leans forward to press their lips together once more. They moves slowly against each other as they hold on tightly never letting go.

Eventually they pull away and they rest their foreheads against each others. Jimin smiles again not able to speak.

"I love you so much...no words can describe how beautiful this feeling is. I-I just...I don't know I don't usually say things like this but...I just love you" Namjoon confesses passionately as their hearts beat as one

"Thank you for loving me. Again I don't know why you do but, I really don't take it for granted anymore. I love you so much hyung"

Namjoon then sits up and lays back on the headboard "That makes me the happiest man alive. I thought I knew what true love was...but that was just puppy love"

Jimin follows Namjoon in sitting up. He sits on Namjoon lap facing him, straddling him. Namjoon brings his hands around Jimin's naked hips.

"What was this puppy love?"

Namjoon leans his head back as he reminisces "Well, I was thirteen years old. It wasn't some kid from school. Weirdly enough some, kid I met on the street"

"Awe like a playground love story?" Jimin laughs

"No I wish. Instead, it was darker story than that" Namjoon frowned "I was running errands with my Nanny at the time. I got distracted when I walked by a pet store. There were cute baby cats and dogs in the window so I just had to look...but my maid didn't notice me"

"Oh no" Jimin sighs "Don't tell me you got kidnapped like some rich kid in those dramas!"

Namjoon couldn't help but laugh "No thankfully it wasn't that. I was just stood on the street near some barbecue restaurant hoping to find my nanny. I was upset, crying my heart out. But then...it was like some angel held my hand and made me feel safe"

Jimin suddenly had feeling. The story sounded familiar to him. It was a memory but a vague one. He remembers himself being in a situation consoling some tall kid on the street.

"This little boy with cute cheeks and big eyes held my hand while I waited outside the restaurant. This little kid would talk to me and

gently tell it's going to be okay and that my mom would come for me...he made me feel safe until about an hour later my nanny and mother did find me."

Jimin then remembered. He gasp as he looked at Namjoon in shock "That was you?"

Namjoon looks at him confused "What do you mean that wa—" the image of that little kid years ago and then Jimin sitting in front of him gave him the answer

"Well would you look at that...." Namjoon mumbles as he caresses Jimin's face "It was you the whole time. My guardian Angel. I never forgot about you"

Jimin smiles and he hugs Namjoon close. "Fate...fated lovers really do exist"

Namjoon kisses Jimin's neck as he hugs Jimin's back "I agree, we were fated. I knew those butterflies I felt in my stomach didn't lie"

Jimin kisses Namjoon for the millionth time "I love you"

"I love you too my angel"


I wish I can meet my fated lover. I'm getting older...🙃


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