Chapter Five(v4)

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Chapter Five

Daniel Redwood sat in his chair, feeling a strand of blood trace down the side of his mouth, and wiped it away.  He stared up at Leon bitterly, hate radiating from him. He felt powerless yet enraged at once. His fist was tensed so tightly it hurt, but he knew better than to act on impulse. Leon could easily overpower him, and there was something in his eyes that made Daniel weary. It was something determined, yet also vicious. Daniel had seen that look in Leon’s eyes during interrogations, but never anytime else.  Daniel knew Leon was merciless when he had that crazy gleam in his eyes. There was clearly something very wrong with Leon, and for this reason Daniel wouldn’t test him.

Daniel tried to imagine Leon as a father. When they were young Leon had often protected him. Leon must have been the same with his son, which seemed reasonable considering the crazed murderous state he was in now that his son was dead.

               Leon checked his watch and frowned. “It’s a little late in the evening to call upon Philip.” He paused. “I suppose you’ll have to stay the night and we’ll go over tomorrow.”

               Daniel felt a little bit of hope rise within him. During the night perhaps he could slip away unnoticed. Then what would he do? Hitchhike. Run. Anything he had to do to get away. Too bad he didn’t have the skill to hotwire a car. He’d probably just set off the alarm if he tried. Still, he’d get away by any means he could. He just needed to get away.

               “Come on.” Leon was standing above him emotionlessly.

               “Where are we going?” Daniel kept his voice guarded, glaring up at his captor.

               Leon walked over to a door and opened it. “You’re staying in the garage for the night.”

               Daniel recoiled backward. “No.” he stated. There was no way he was going to spend the night in the garage.

               Leon sighed. “Daniel, don’t make this difficult.”

               Daniel tightened his jaw firmly.

               Leon shrugged. “Either you sleep in the garage or I’ll tie you to a chair in the garage. You’re not really in the position to argue anything different.”

               Daniel eyed Leon resentfully. “You don’t trust me?”

               “I know you too well to trust you.”

               Daniel kept his gaze steady, then looked down. “Fine.” He paused. “Stupid motherfucker.”

               Leon laughed in response as Daniel walked through the door dejectedly, and watched it close behind him. He heard two clicks as Leon locked both locks. A sudden feeling of captivity overcame him. 

He stood there for a moment, then slammed his hand against the door. “Damn it Leon!” he yelled, “let me out!” He raised a leg and kicked the locked door, over and over again but the plank of wood held. He stood, panting, then took a look around his prison. It was bare, save for a table in the corner, with a small window above it covered by wire fencing. Daniel climbed onto the table and lifted himself up to the window, though he couldn’t lift high enough to see out of it.

               “Help me!” he shouted.

               “Daniel, if you don’t shut up right now I swear to God I’ll stab you.” Leon stated evenly, his voice right outside the door.

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