Maria's biography

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MARIA- 30 years old


Maria was the eldest child of a large family, and tried without success to receive attention because of it. She earned good grades and was expected to look after her younger siblings.


Maria began to have issues with her parents. Although she had a lot of responsibility, her parents didn’t allow her to have much freedom. After a year of constant friction, Maria moved in with her aunt. Maria’s aunt had no children and most of the time left Maria to her own devices, which suited her just fine as she had an independent personality and a smart mind.

Early Adulthood

Maria moved out and went to police school. At school she did very well, and to her surprise made many good friends. Her best friends were Aron and Nick, as well as her roommate Tif. They started going on double dates, and while Tif/Aron didn’t last long, Maria and Nick formed a relationship. They were a couple all through school and got engaged once they became officers. Her goal was to become a detective.


Once Nick and Aron were killed, Maria was tempted to sink into a depression. However, her job was her life and she was a strong person. Her superior saw this and made the wise decision of pairing her with Houston. Houston understood her situation because it was similar to what happened to him. Houston supported Maria, and even helped light the fire under her to drive her forward. Maria became determined to catch her fiancé’s killer. When Leon gave away the flock, Maria was upset because not only did she want Leon locked up as well, but she wanted to be the one who personally brought the flock to justice.

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