Alexander's biography

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I tweaked Alexander's biography a little bit so that it would fit better with his personality. I like the thought of truly twisted characters having backgrounds that are a little fucked up, but not completely. A normal rational person certainly could have risen from this situation. Even minor issues can become big obssessions if you let them. 

ALEXANDER- 40 years old


Alexander was born to a single woman. She was a bartender and they were able to make a living,  but she was usually busy. When she wasn’t working, his mother had a habit of bringing home men to entertain nearly every night. At a very young age Alexander began harboring bitter and jealous feelings towards his mother as she paid more attention to her male visitors than her son. Alexander was under the false belief, and would be for the rest of his life, that his mother was a prostitute. It was the only way his young mind could rationalize why she would bring home so many men, and why she would ignore her own son in favor of them.


Alexander’s mother married one of her costumers who had a good amount of money, and sent Alexander off to boarding school. This action solidified his hate for his mother (and his step father although Alexander’s focus wasn’t on him). At boarding school he was a terror, breaking every rule he could for no reason other than to lash out and exercise his anger. Alexander held a need to attack and lash out at the world, and the more he gets punished for it the harder he fights back. He tried to escape from the institution several times. After he got out of school his life consisted of lots of drugs, alcohol, using and abusing women. With no-one to control him he went crazy for awhile and almost got himself killed on several occasions (and killed two people in the process).

Early Adulthood

Eventually Alexander settled into the drug business. He found that watching his clients succumb to the drugs and wither away in front of him gave him pleasure and satisfaction. It felt as though he was properly striking out at humanity. Alexander murdered a few of his clients, then killed his mother and step father. He was satisfied with their murder and felt peace. He still occasionally killed but was smart about it. Killing was not an addiction for him, only satisfaction and revenge. That went on for quite a few years, and he met Leon and Daniel. He and Leon became fast friends because they had the same type of life and viewpoints. The two became partners and leaders. Joanna joined the flock, and after that Cale and Philip.


Alexander viewed the flock as his first and only real family, loving Leon like a brother. Even the group members he didn’t care for, such as Daniel, he still loved because he was still part of that family. Alexander found purpose and reason in his life, and protected it vigorously, murdering anyone who could be a threat. For the first time in his life, he found people to honestly love and protect. When Leon betrayed the flock, this enraged Alexander to the point of insanity. Alexander would consistently try to escape from prison, although his plans were more passionate than intelligent and were doomed to fail, thus increasing his rage. When Alexander was finally released, it was an obvious choice to kill Leon. When he found Leon, however, he found a man that would greet death as a blessing. Alexander was faced with a problem. His answer was that instead, he would kill Leon’s wife, the other family Leon abandoned them for.

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