Chapter Twenty Five(v3)

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Chapter Twenty Five

Daniel sat back on his stool, watching as Leon slept on the floor. The poor idiot had fallen off of his chair and hadn't the strength to get back up. Daniel didn't have the strength to lift him either, so he left him on the ground to sleep it off. His phone was on the bar, and once in a while Daniel glanced at it. It was almost like a portal to hell, to the vilest person Daniel had ever known. Alexander made Dante look like a saint picking flowers for the elderly. Daniel poured himself a drink, and slipped on the stinging liquid. Now seemed like the perfect time for a drink.

How couldn't believe he hadn't seen this before. Of course Alexander was the one after Leon. It was so simple. So obvious. Why hadn't he used his brain? Alexander was the one who had contacted him before any of this had begun. Alexander was the one who had been the most betrayed. It was Alexander who had always had a taste for blood. It was Alexander whose brain was warped and deformed. Just because he hid it underneath a polite and charismatic façade did not mean he was no less crazy than Cale. At least Cale had lucid moments. Alexander was truly twisted, something that only he and Philip ever seemed to spot. In the flock, the rest were trapped by his captivating personality. They never saw what was really there. They were his sheep, they were always his sheep, with Leon helping him along, equal, yet still under his spell.

The phone buzzed, but Daniel ignored the ringing. He didn't want to face the reality. The harshness of the situation slapped Daniel in the face. He was being controlled by the person who ruined Leon's life. Hell, now he was the traitor. How ironic. Daniel stared at Leon. Daniel should tell him. He really should. He'd be a horrible person if he didn't. But Leon would probably kill him for keeping this type of information from him. Yes, Leon would definitely, without a doubt, kill him. He would rip out Daniel's pulsing heart, and laugh.

Again, the phone alerted Daniel to someone trying to reach him. Daniel stared at the device with hollow eyes. He had been such a fool. Again. Why did he keep making these idiotic decisions? It was maddening!

He knew what he should do. He should wake up Leon right now and tell him what was going on. His life was at stake. Haley's life was at stake. He couldn't just sit idly by as Alexander played with them until it suited him to finish them off.

The phone buzzed for what must have been the fifth time.

"God damn it!" Daniel snarled. "Can't he leave me alone for fifteen minutes?" He glared at the cell angrily, then after a moment, picked it up to see who the caller could be.

Alexander. Whoop-de-doo.

Fuck. Should he answer it? He didn't have much of a choice, did he? Alexander could easily kill Philip, Daniel had no doubt about that. Daniel had seen Alexander accomplish much more difficult tasks than killing off a little computer boy.

Daniel exhaled, and brought the phone to his ear. He might be signing his death warrant, but god damn it, he needed to play along for Philip's sake. "Hello?" he called into the phone.

"Finch. Glad to know you haven't completely abandoned me."

The mere sound of Alexander's voice sent shivers down Daniel's spine, just as always. He fumbled with his own voice for a few seconds before he found it. "Well, you haven't really given me much of a choice."

"Very true, and I sincerely apologize for that. I just need you for this to work."

"For...what to work exactly?"

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