Cale's biography

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CALE- 27 years old


Cale knew his parents more than Philip did, as he was older and could even remember the accident that took them. This made Cale feel the effects of their deaths deeper than Philip ever could. Cale was left alone in the world with only his little brother by his side, and he swore he’d protect Philip no matter the cost. He honestly and purely loved Philip. He made sure that they stayed together through the foster care system. Cale’s wishes were obliged simply because neither of them were manageable when they were apart.


When a family took Philip away, Cale was thrust into a very dark place. He felt alone and powerless. Depression started to take hold of him when he was thirteen and at night he was often tied to his bed so that he could not run away. By sixteen he would believe that he was the center of the universe and that he destroyed the world in his sleep, only to recreate it when he was awake. Or that Philip was only a figment of his imagination. He slowly lost control of reality, sinking between deep bouts of depression and unrealistic but usually empowering beliefs. 

Early Adulthood

At eighteen these beliefs and difficulties continued to plague him, but the system found it easier to ignore him as he wasn’t dangerous to others. When he was a man they let him out into the world. Cale immediately found out where Philip was and set off to find him. Seeing Philip again was the first time Cale remembered being truly happy, convinced that everything before Philip left him was only a dream. Philip didn’t really notice or remember, but Cale still suffered from periods of depression. During this time Cale sunk himself into working more often so that he wouldn’t have to worry his brother. He came to the realization that he was not the creator of the universe, that the world was real because his brother had to be real. Eventually, however, a new creature appeared who threatened to steal his brother’s body. He had seen things like this before, but this one was dangerous. Fire was the creature’s only weakness, and Cale formed a strong bond with the element that could protect his brother. He loved Philip, and feared for him as well, as Philip didn’t understand the forces at work. Cale knew that if he said anything, he might be taken away and his brother would be alone with the creature. So whenever his brother brought up his delusions it upset him greatly. Philip didn’t understand. At one point the demon nearly took over Philip’s body completely, and Cale was forced to burn it out. Their relationship was never quite the same afterwards. Shortly after this time period Philip met Daniel, and Philip and Cale decided to join the flock. It offered stability and protection.


Because he was given mediation in prison, Cale’s delusions and hallucinations were less severe during that time. When he was released, however, they intensified. Cale wanted to form a relationship with his brother, but at the same time he was scared. The monster was attached to Cale, but who it wanted was Philip. Cale kept a lighter on hand, just in case, and kept candles burning in his house to keep it away. He also ate salt in case the creature decided to inhabit his body, as he suspected it didn’t like the taste of it.

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