Chapter Ten (v4)

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Chapter Ten

In the morning, Leon woke up on the couch. He stared at the ceiling blankly, simply thinking about what had occurred. Last night, holding Haley had felt like bliss. For a second, he could almost sense happiness. He could nearly see a future with him and Haley together, where everything was alright. Then reality had hit him like a tank. He had a human being in his garage, and his goal was murder. Perhaps it was too late for him. He had the chance to live that normal life, but it couldn't have stayed. His life was murky water, and whenever he tried to climb out of it, it would simply pull him back in. But how long would it take for him to drown?

Leon touched the scar set deep into his skin. Well, there was nothing to be done by sitting around. No matter what he did, he needed to take action. Leon relaxed for a moment more, then he sighed, stood up, and went off to business as usual. He took a shower, got dressed, grabbed a couple of granola bars and opened the garage door. Daniel was laying on the air mattress, but when Leon opened the door Daniel sat up and frowned.

"You didn't fill the mattress enough." Leon commented.

"No shit." He growled.

Leon tossed him one of the granola bars. "Time to get up Daniel. We have a murderer to catch."

"Oh, no, no, no." Daniel said with a quick bark of laughter. "Do you have any idea how fucking hungry I am? I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday."

Leon snorted, unable to control himself. That wasn't what he had been expecting Daniel to say at all. He tossed Daniel a few more bars. "We'll stop and get something on the way there." He promised.

Daniel visibly showed his displeasure in his expression.

"Must we play difficult every moment of the day? Give me a break."

"Well you are threatening my-"

"-your lover. Yes, I know."

"So excuse me if I exhibit a certain reluctance." He quipped.

"I hate to point this out to you, but irritating me does not help your situation."

"I hate you." Daniel spat. He sounded like a child angry with his parent.

Leon sighed. "Come along."

Daniel paused, then reluctantly followed him, as always. Leon smiled to himself. How strange that there was normality in such an abnormal situation. They approached the car, and Leon didn't even bother to take out his gun. There was no need for it, and Daniel knew it was still there, lurking in Leon's jacket. Daniel stared up at the apartment building before he went into the car, almost as though he was looking for something or someone. Leon didn't pay it any mind though-there was too much to do today.

Once in the car, Leon began to drive to Philip's house feeling a certain amount of apprehension. Philip promised by today he'd have Cale's location. He'd be one step closer to getting Clay back. This information caused his hands to drum against the steering wheel with excitement and nervousness. Leon urged the car just a bit faster, hoping to get there as soon as possible. He stopped at some fast-food place, bought a burger at the drive through and gave it to Daniel. Daniel tore into it madly and Leon realized just how famished Daniel had been. He had completely forgotten about Daniel's physical needs.

Daniel finished off the last bite of his hamburger and sighed happily. He seemed more content now than he had been since Leon caught him.

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