Joanna's Biography

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This is completely new and independent of the story. I'm actually rather ashamed I never bothered to give Joanna a background story, but I feel that this fits her very well. 

JOANNA- 30 years old


Joanna wasn’t extraordinary as a child. Her father was distant emotionally and worked often while mom was at home. She didn’t see him often, because whenever he was home he went in his room and closed the door. Her mother was an average and affectionate housewife concerned with Homes and Gardens. Joanna was considered to be a smart and curious child


By middle school Joanna’s grades were held at a solid C, disappointing her parents and creating some waves, though not much. She was on the softball team in her early teens but quit at 16. By that age she got a job in retail as a sales rep. She excelled at the job because of her winning personality and looks. At this age her body also blossomed suddenly, and started to get a lot of attention. Her grades were still average grades, and she began dating. Through high school she had an average number of boyfriends, and went out with her boyfriends for long spans of time(for high school time). However, there was barely any time between her relationships. As soon as she broke up with one boy, she started a relationship with another. However, her parents were unconcerned with her behavior. Joanna was a social, popular, and pretty girl. Her behavior was unsurprising and normal for someone of her age, charisma and beauty.

Early Adulthood

Joanna attended community college once she graduated, and within that year met the love of her life and fell head over heels with him. He was charming gentleman that completely won over her, as well as her family and friends. Joanna was still very social, considered by others as sweet and kind, but shallow and self-centered. Joanna and her love got engaged in four months after meeting him. Since he was going to a great college, Joanna’s parents thought that he was the best her daughter could get and supported the engagement despite their young age. After they were together about seven more months he began to be controlling. Before she knew it her life was revolving around him, and it wasn’t her choice. She was subject to every one of his whims, and under those whims was intimidation. He was physically strong and his deep voice commanded attention. In time, Joanna’s adoration was turning to fear as he was less loving and more scary. She wasn’t sure what would happen if she upset him. Her life was controlled by this man. She even transferred into a good school by his command. Meanwhile, Joanna’s parents and friends loved him, as he had intimate relationships with everyone. They even met with Joanna’s parents every week for lunch. Against her better judgment, Joanna married him. She started to get uncomfortable with relationship, and it finally came to her that she was scared of him. She tried to leave and that was when he hit her for the first time. He didn’t hit her again, although he could if the need called for it, controlling her with sexual and mental abuse. When she tried to reach out to her family and friends for help, they didn’t believe her and thought the notion of sexual abuse was weird and ridiculous. Because they knew him personally they didn’t want to face the truth and reconcile the new information with their vision of him. Their rejection tore up Joanna, and she gave up to become his play thing. When they were married for six months her husband died due to drowning. Joanna’s family and friends were devastated by his death while Joanna was even more broken that before because she never got the chance to gain her own freedom. She became clinically depressed- her family and friends thought it was due to husband’s death. A year later she had dropped out of school, didn’t have a job, and was living in her parent’s house. At her parent’s urging, Joanna started working as a bartender. This helped her recover somewhat, but she never got too close to men because they scared her. Two years after her husband’s death she decided to sleep with some shrimpy kid because he wasn’t intimidating. The kid was so nervous and scared that she suddenly had all the power- he was actually more scared than she was. Joanna felt exhilarated by the newfound power she had. The shoe was on the other foot, as maybe she couldn’t rise up against her husband, but through other people she could get that power back. Joanna quickly became addicted to sexual power, and eventually became a power show dancer and dominatrix. She didn’t make quite enough money to live off of, but she felt the happiest that she could remember, and truly felt as though she was home. Eventually she did meet Alexander, joined the flock, and made enough money through that to be her own person. It was then she started a relationship with Leon, and then everything crashed down when she went to jail.


Got out and got even bigger because she incorporated jail/warden skits. The fact was that jailbait was hot and that type of reputation made her more sexual and hot to her fans. She still sold on the side with Alexander and Cale, as well as started a relationship with Alexander. If Alexander hadn’t beaten her to it, she might have sought revenge on Leon someday, but at the time the story starts, she’s already too overjoyed with her life to worry about Leon.

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