The departure

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"Baby we're going to paradise for a month!" you smile big and jump in Dom's arms after telling you not only did he have some time off from training and wrestling but he took extra time off so the two of you can spend time together. The two of you have been together since both your junior year in high school, you were friends with his sister Aalyah and when the two of you met there was instant chemistry and 7 months later the two of you were together and inseparable, you smile fondly and sweetly as you listen to him tell you about the island the two of you were going to in 4 weeks, the next day you go to his dad's house together for family dinner telling his parents and aalyah who were happy that the two of you were going to get away from everything for awhile especially since you both needed it for a long while now since his career as took off and skyrocketed to new heights. You get more giddy as the final week goes by and you are unable to control your excitement as the days count down, you listen to music and dance as you slowly pack your suitcase during the last two days before you left, dom laughs as he records you before you stop and stick your tongue out at him which he does in return as you both go downstairs and eat dinner before going to bed, you both finish your shopping for last few minutes things, packing, double checking everything, and spending time with his family the last day before you were leaving, enjoying a big cookout and homemade meals that always made you feel home and warmth in your soul "This is amazing Mama" his mom Angie smiles sweetly and kisses your cheek after you ate her famous homemade tacos that dom and aalyah always talked about and you grew to love as you spent time with the family. You both look at each other as you get ready for bed smiling big sharing a kiss before laying down and going to sleep bundled up together until your alarms go off, you both smile and shower together, eat the leftovers from the cookout, double checking your bags one last time only forgetting your melatonin, and get in the car "Ready to have some fun Bebita?" you cheer which makes him laugh before you both yell happily and begin driving to the airport, you both sing and dance to music from your playlists as you drive only stopping for a quick pee break and gas but continue on your way taking pictures along the way and sending them to aalyah who affectionately calls the two of you dorks as you both walk in the airport and wait, you high five each other when you only had to wait 6 minutes for your flight to be called and you walk giddly as you board the plane and find your seats listening to music after buckling your seatbelts in. You look out the window in awe of the sky and everything below after the plane takes off, you take a picture of you and dom holding hands while watching a movie and eating before dom listens to music and you read a book you brought until you fell asleep for two hours, you wake up to find dom asleep as you place a kiss on his hand, he wakes up and you both spend the last few minutes of the flight watching Voodoo child stand up by Eddie Griffin until the plane lands and you both look in awe as you walk out of the airport and taking a taxi to the place you and dom would be staying in for the rest of the month, you spend the first little bit showering and changing clothes due to how long the flight was before calling his parents and aalyah letting them know that you had arrived safe and sound before you both get ready and head off to explore.

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