Beach festival

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You stare at the sky in your own world while laying on the hammock outside, you giggle as dom lays next to you and kisses your cheek "Whatcha doing mi amor?" you lay your head on his chest as he rubs your hip with his fingers. "Just enjoying this wonderful place" he smiles as he lays his chin on top of your head enjoying the sounds of the birds and the sun until he gets up and you follow him after seeing the picnic basket "What are we doing?" he smiles and kisses your nose as you walk upstairs "Na uh it's a surprise get dressed bebe" you shake your head as you walk in the bedroom and look through your clothes while dom changes his clothes, deciding on a white strapless dress while he picks a white button up and shorts, you look at him feeling your heart flutter at how dom looked "You clean up nicely sir" you gently smack his butt before putting your necklace on laughing as dom squeezes your sides after latching the chain behind your neck "You look beautiful as always mi vida" you laugh as you put your flip flops on and walk down stairs seeing dom with a bouquet of flowers in his hands making you blush pink as you grab them and put them in a vase except one which you put behind your ear. The two of you walk to the beach, enjoying the cool breeze blowing around you as you stare at the ocean while dom lays a blanket on the ground and sets everything out, you uncontrollably smile as you walk to and sit next to him enjoying the first sip of champagne as you lay your head on his shoulder and eat bread and fruits hearing nothing but the sounds of the waves until you hear a familiar giggle, you both look to see margo down the beach with more people holding two things in her hands making you both laugh at how big they were in her arms as she smiles and runs to the two of you "Hi margo! What do you have here?" you realize looking at them that they were lanterns "Lanterns! For the festival tonight! Everyone lights and sets them in the sky" you both look in awe and agree to go laughing at margo as she runs and jumps on her brother who was sitting on the ground. You finish your picnic and walk down the beach together even running along the water until you are both soaked and laughing, you shower and get ready for the festival as the sun goes down wearing a light yellow and pink sundress winking when you see dom in a loose fitting shirt and pants taking a few pictures together before grabbing your lanterns candles, you hear margo cheer as she runs and hugs dom meeting her parents, brother, and cousins immediately carrying her in your arms helping her light her lantern after lighting yours, you all hold your lanterns and after all the people count down each of them are released in the air taking pictures at how truly beautiful it was noticing that dom had picked margo up and she was asleep in his arms, you take a few pictures before margo's mom comes and takes her giving the two of you hugs before they left. The two of you leave after it gets dark, going back to the house and calling his parents after you changed and were laying in bed watching tv "How are you guys enjoying it there?" you both explain one at a time how wonderful it was and definitely tell them to go but also that you all could plan and have a vacation together as a family which they agreed to early next year, after talking for an hour the two of you fall asleep feeling the cool breeze from the fan at the end of the bed and the warmth from the blankets, you wake up that morning seeing dom asleep in your arms deciding to gently run your fingers in and through his hair since you couldn't fall back asleep listening to wind and animals outside until woke up, "Morning bebe I see you've been awake for awhile" you nod as you get up and stretch going downstairs and making breakfast, the two of you eat and decide to surf or try to at least not at all knowing what was to come.

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