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You close your eyes for a few seconds before slowly leaning your head down, you had noticed that you had been tired and sick which you thought was because you had another surgery a bit ago on your back since you had a bad back injury from the tsunami. But as time went on and you didn't feel any better, you decided to take the one test you hadn't taken yet and you were going to the doctor to take another test to make sure the results were correct before you told anyone especially dom and margo, you felt terrified as you start the alarm for the test as you think of what to do depending on the results, you didn't want margo to feel like she was getting replaced and you didn't want to add more stress on dom since you both were still taking time to heal and recover from what happened four months ago which still felt like it was all yesterday or the present day when your anxiety would be very scary when it took it's long toll. You pace and listen to music until the alarm goes off, going to the bathroom and slowly raising the test and taking a deep breath as you slowly look down seeing the result making you sit on the floor and cry until you couldn't anymore, deciding to go to the doctor immediately that day instead of later on, you have blood drawn and the results would come in a few weeks later which made you very nervous for the next while as you wait for the call on the results, you were home alone watching tv when your phone rings and you see that it's the doctor's office quickly turning off your tv and answering "Congratulations Mrs Y/N, you're three weeks along" you hang up after thanking the doctor and cry in mixed emotions as you calm your nerves and plan a surprise for dom and think of a way to tell margo, you finish the gift box and finish the last three loads of laundry as dom walks in with a half asleep margo smiling at the small love note you left for him on the outside of the front door. He tucks margo in and walks in the bedroom finding the gift box as he changes his clothes smiling as he opens it and soon he is a tearful and happy mess as you slowly walk upstairs until he opens the door as you stand in front of it, he smiles big as you look very nervous but it all disappears when he grabs your face and kisses you over and over and lifting you up as you both quietly cried, he puts his hands on your belly and kisses the middle of it before you both lay in bed and after you fall asleep, he gently caresses your belly filled with so many emotions and all of them with warmth, joy, and love as he whispers to your belly "Hey little one, no matter what we both love you so much, you are one of the most important things in the world and you are the best surprise anyone could ask for, I love you nuestro amor" he falls asleep with his head on your belly and his hand gently on your side which makes you take a picture after waking up and smiling at the loving moment.

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