Swept up and washed away

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You gasp for air as you manage to get your head above water before going back under, seeing flashes of water, debris, and other people. You yell out when debris hits you, you suddenly feel a lot of pain in your back, stomach, and rib screaming as you surface the water managing to grab onto a wooden pole as you cough and cry frantically looking for dom, yelling his name hearing nothing but the rushing water until a voice cuts through "Over here!" you look to see a girl who couldn't have been more than 15 or 16 along with an older man and woman holding a big branch with a metal pipe stuck in it "Grab on we'll pull you over!" you wrap your legs around the pole, grabbing the metal pipe, and kicking your legs to swim as you hold on tightly until you are pulled up "Thank you". You tearfully hug the three as you catch your breath learning that the man and woman were a couple from Nigeria and the girl was on vacation with her parents from Belgium, "What's your name dear?" you look up at the woman who gently pulls you into another hug "Y/N" you wipe tears from your face as you start getting terrified not knowing where dom was or if he was okay "My name's Chioma and this is my husband Ifechi" you nod as you pull the girl into a hug as you can see the fear in her eyes "I'm Ida" you all manage to pull the debris next to land in between two trees and begin looking for others whether to help them or for them to help you didn't matter, you were going to help anyone in need of they needed any help or comfort. Dom feels his chest burn as he goes back underwater until he feels what's left of his shirt get caught on something, he suddenly sees a hand before seeing the sun and grass as he coughs and pants seeing the cuts and injuries on his body, he looks to see a woman in her 30's next to him "You alright?" he nods as he feels his heart drop not seeing you anywhere or hearing your voice, he sighs as he holds his hand out to the woman "I'm dom thanks for helping me" she shows a small smile shaking his hand "My name's Pepper" the two begin to talk as they walk around, he learns that she had come to the island with her two kids and he almost falls over when he notices the small barely visible bump on her stomach but he tells her about you and the two of you vacationing on the island as he feels his heart drop hoping you're alive. The four of you so far have only found debris and bodies of people who were already gone or dying and couldn't be saved, you all stop when you hear the rumble again holding on to each other until it stopped, but you all begin running faster when you hear the familiar crashing of waves as you see another wall of water heading for you from infront of you, you hear a pained yell quickly grabbing ida and helping her up a tree before being swept away again hearing ida yell in horror, you feel like your trapped in a washing machine as you feel debris hit you over and over again seeing the sun shine through the water until you go unconscious after being hit in the head by debris. Dom quickly helps pepper on part of a destroyed house climbing up as the water surged through but yells as he falls in from a piece of the roof breaking from under his hand, pepper stares in shock as she realizes what happened as dom yells before choking on water and feeling debris puncture his leg making him yell in pain underwater as he pulls his leg off a jagged branch, grabbing and holding onto a tree until he hears crying and a familiar voice whimper in fear looking to see margo on the branch above him holding tightly onto the tree "Margo! Oh god" he climbs up and sits on the bigger branch across from her as she cries in relief "Dommy!" he chuckles at the nickname as she jumps to him and wraps her arms around his shoulders as he rubs her back relieved to have a familiar face with him and tears flow as he quietly cries after noticing that margo fell asleep in his arms.

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