Small moments

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You smile as you walk around the garden in the yard while Ida planted new flowers, you were smelling sunflowers when you felt a tap on your arm. You look to see Jim beside you with his hand a few inches away from your belly "You can feel, be gentle" he lays his hand on your belly as the baby moves around making him laugh as he feels as you record him on your phone, he says thank you as he runs back inside seeing ida looking at you before going back to planting and you walk in with a few flowers in your hand as Danielle walks up to you "Can I feel?" you smile big as you nod and watch her lay her ear on your belly, immediately taking pictures and a video as she looks up smiling while feeling the baby kick before chioma walks in seeing the sweet moment between the two of you, danielle heads outside and plays with her brother and Margo while you put flowers in a vase. "They are so curious by it" you shake your head giggling as Dom comes down and kisses your cheek and belly as margo gently hugs you and kisses your bump, dom takes a picture of her kissing your bump before you sit down on the couch watching reruns of MASH until you fell asleep, you hear whispering as you wake up looking to see margo gently laying her head on your bump while danielle and jim had their hands near her head as they quietly giggle, you take pictures and video before falling back asleep to the sweet and calming noises with the tv as background noise, "You guys feeling the little one?" they all nod while dom smiles at the sweet moment fixing your blanket before taking videos and pictures of his own, margo falls asleep after feeling the baby kick and the other two kids go upstairs to be with their mom. He gently grabs margo and takes her upstairs followed by him carrying you and laying you both in bed smiling sweetly as he goes downstairs and does a few different things until the three of you say bye to everyone and head home to rest before the exciting and wonderful moments to come in the next few weeks finally feeling happy and a joy for life again and even stronger than ever before, never thinking you would be at this point of your life but you wouldn't have it any other way with the man you were madly in love with, a little girl that unexpectedly came into your lives and changed it for the better and truly wonderful, and not too long you would be bringing a new life into the world with them by your side.

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