Trauma and understandment

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A nurse gives you two a phone and immediately you call his parents and aalyah, both of you telling everything that happened as they cry in relief knowing that the two of you were alive and back with each other again and excited to meet margo who is already in love with them, making you and dom immediately hold her and kiss each side of her face as she says she loves you all which makes you and dom melt and tear up together. All of you give each other your contact details and hug each other tightly right before each of them left, always feeling nervous and worried for all of them while waiting for the two of you with margo in tow to go home and finally get to see your family again and officially adopt margo knowing that you wouldn't just give up on her, fighting as you knew her family would and how you and him knew how to as well, you both thank God and all of your guardian angels who protected you, you hold each other as you sleep on some part of the ride home managing to find your personal effects and phones that somehow both still worked before you left the island, you both walk cautiously fully alert and aware of the people until you see his parents and aalyah waiting for the two of you running and hugging you both tightly as they are so happy that you were both alive and immediately welcome margo with open arms and helping as the three of you recovered and processed what happened each day on after getting back home. You each get calls from all of your friends who managed to get home safely and also process what each of you went through and how it connects all of you and how it changed each of your lives forever, the three of you each suffer nightmares and anxiety but you and dom both were really depressed even having to ask rey and angie to help with margo as you both got help and started having therapy which changed and helped your lives immensely and also had margo with a therapist as well which also helped her so much along with you and dom by her side and soon after a week of being home, they officially approved and signed off in for the adoption, officially making her your daughter while also remembering and honoring her family before and she slowly remembers them without crying in sadness and fear over it but you all each learn how to cope and slowly move on and recover in a healthy way but also never forgetting everything that happened on the island as you and your friends share each of your stories to your loved ones that helped you heal after coming back and meeting up with each other and your families bonding for life from what happened.

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