The wedding

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You wake up and smile seeing Dom asleep with his hands on your bump and margo's hands on top of his which warmed your heart as you took a picture. You all eat breakfast and spend time together before heading to the rental house with margo where all the girls are while dom went to his parents house where the boys were waiting for him, you smile as margo runs and jumps in Shira's arms before playing with Danielle as Ida combed and straightened your hair before carefully putting small flowers in your hair then Shira does your makeup while Lena does everyone else's makeup and chioma did their hair, you head upstairs with shira while the girls get margo and danielle ready before they finished makeup and getting in their dresses, meanwhile Dom felt nervous and excited as he finishes buttoning up his shirt even to the point where he was shaking with joy as rey helps him with his tie "Nervous?" he chuckles after the tie is put on, brushing and straightening his hair that was a bit messy from waking up earlier. "Mostly excited" he sips water before rey puts his hand on his shoulder "You are a truly amazing and wonderful person, I am so proud of the man you've become and I cannot wait to see you and Y/N share your lives together" they cry and hug for a bit before heading downstairs to talk and hang out as everyone else gets ready and calm their nerves, you feel tears in your eyes when you see yourself in the mirror after putting your dress on fanning your eyes "You are stunning sweetie" you laugh as you gently dab the corners of your eyes and sniffle and hug Angie "Thank you mom, I can't wait to be in the family" she giggles as she puts your veil on you "You already were but now it's in a new way" you smile bigger giving one more hug to angie before checking the time. Everyone sits and each of your friends walk down the aisle as bridesmaids and groomsmen, followed by Margo as flower girl while watching you feel a hand on your shoulder smiling when you see Damian beside you, you smile as you interlock your arms and walk down the aisle with Rhea at the end of the aisle next to dom, you both smile and tears form in your eyes seeing each other until you are standing in front of each other and repeating what rhea says until he uncovers your face and you both pull out your vows that you both written down, dom reads his first "When I met you, I knew who ever was going to have you for the rest of their lives would be lucky and grateful to have you, I didn't know that was going to be me and it was the most wonderful and greatest surprise I've ever had, now I couldn't imagine what these past few years would be like without you with me, and I can't ever especially now that I have you, margo, and our baby" tears flow down your face as you start reading your vows. "I never thought that I would find someone who would love me the way you have loved me this whole time we've been together, I also didn't know what my life would be like without you until I almost lost you...but despite almost losing each other, our love for each other grew even stronger and we got the most beautiful and precious surprise life can give any of us, I couldn't ever think of my life without you, margo, our family, and this baby" you put the rings on each other while promising to always love each other as rhea finishes officiating and you kiss, sealing all the promises and vows you made to each other from the beginning of your relationship to now and you were ready for the next part of your life with each other, margo, and the baby.

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