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You smile as Dom picks up Margo and kisses her temple "Te amo mucho Papa" you melt and smile bigger while dom attacks her with kisses and tickling as she laughs. "I love you mi vida!" you both wave and watch dom leave for his match at Monday night raw, you do laundry in between spending time and watching movies with margo and fondly smiling at your bump excited to find out the gender later on, you both stop when you hear thunder outside and feel dread build up in you as you try to focus on the movie playing in front of you, grabbing the trash can and throwing up as you lay under the covers with margo beside you as the storm outside only getting worse as it gets darker and later, you both scream and begin to cry when thunder booms and lighting strikes by the window. You suddenly feel your throat burn, your chest constrict, and your whole body go numb as you hold your bump and cry while hyperventilating, you lean over the trash can getting sick in between gasping for air not noticing a terrified and crying margo grab your phone and call dom, begging him to come home which made him immediately run to his car with judgement day joining him as he drives home squeezing the steering wheel for dear life until they pulled in and parked quickly before running in and straight upstairs to find you on the floor in a ball while margo hugged on your back hiding her tear covered face, dom holds your face feeling how clammy and hot you were while your friends took margo downstairs "Hey look at me bebe I'm here" you look at him and after hearing his voice, you slowly follow his breathing patterns until you were sitting on the bed feeling fatigued and exhausted as you take cold medicine and lay down. You immediately grab and hold margo to you when she walks in the room and climbs under the covers "I'm so sorry I scared you sweetheart" you rub your hand up and down her back seeing dom walk in and lay next to the two of you "I love you mama" you kiss margo's head as she falls asleep, hugging her while she sleeps "It happened so fast I...I felt like I was back on the island again with the noise of the rain" he tears up kissing your forehead as he wraps his arms around you and margo, "I felt like that when it started to rain right before my match...I felt so scared that I planned on calling you to check on you when I got the call from margo" you tearfully nod as you hold margo and your bump and share a kiss with dom "Thank you for keeping me grounded" he caresses your face as you doze off "I will always be with you to ground and love you" you both smile before falling asleep. You slowly get better from the flu and all of you head to your ultrasound appointment, you all smile as you look at the ultrasound and get even more excited when you get the news that you will find out the gender in three months, absolutely thrilled and ready to find out about the newest addition to your family and lives as dom lays his hand on your belly in between driving and margo kisses your bump when you all get home and watch tv.

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