Exploring paradise

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You smile the biggest you've ever had the past while as you and Dom walk hand in hand from across the island. The two of you call and facetime with your shared friends Finn, Damian, and Rhea as you walk around and show them the view of the beach, ocean, the animals, locals around the market, and the trees "Where are you guys at again?" you laugh as dom leads you out of a small market back to the beach and a boat to go scuba diving "Ternate island in Indonesia guys!" they all laugh as they remember while the two of you walk and in hand as you say bye to them, you breathe in the fresh air after getting on the boat when you feel something touch your hand which makes you look to see a little girl who couldn't have been more than 9 at most. You notice that she had put a flower on your hand which makes you smile as she gently stands up and places a flower crown on your head as the boat starts with a jostle, her eyes widen as she bumps the side which makes her slip but luckily you grab and pull her over as she thanks you and sits back next to you looking at the sky and the clear water as dom takes notice "You look more pretty baby" you laugh as dom looks at the little girl who only covers her face smiling "What's your name Carino?" she tilts her head in curiosity and awe of him speaking Spanish "Margo" you notice the accent in her voice which makes you smile as you reach in your pocket and hand her candy you bought just before getting on the boat, sharing the pieces of the sweet caramel candy right before the boat stops, after waiting for a bit and talking with margo who you found out was French and on vacation with her family being on the boat with her older sister, aunt, and uncle who were closer to the front of the boat, the two of you put your fins and gear on and helping margo who wanted to go with you which made the two of you care and like the sweet little girl even more as you help her before you all sit on the side and count to three before slowly leaning back and falling in the water. You swim with margo close behind and dom next to you in awe as you look around, seeing everything clearly from the sand below you, the light from the sun above you, and the coral to the fish ahead, the flowers people threw in the water above you, and sea turtles that were swimming near you which made you light up as you slowly swim towards them and with caution pet it's shell being mindful of how close you are, you float beside margo as she does the same looking over when you see a third hand smiling when you see a very happy dom running his hand on the shell before the three of you slowly swim off and take pictures from the underwater camera you had brought with you and took pictures of everything you saw before going back to the boat. You all go back to the beach and meet margo's family who were incredibly kind and generous as you all walk together and talk while holding margo on your hip and even gently rubbing dom's hair which makes you giggle as you record it and send it to your friends, aalyah, and his parents who all respond sweetly after watching the clip, the two of you say bye as you and dom head down the road to small house you and him were staying in while margo and her family walk straight up the road to go to their rented home, the two of you eat and soon after doing little things around the house and sitting outside watching the sun go down, you both tiredly change and head to bed immediately being pulled in his arms as you run his hand on your stomach, you smile as he places a kiss on your shoulder until you both dozed off and fell deeply asleep ready for more of this adventure.

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