Helping hand

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Soon dom begins to cry as he holds margo, noticing people helping each other get on land with parts of trees and non deadly debris. A teen boy waves at him and tells the rest of the group who walk to the tree as he waves back looking down to see if there was a way to get down without being more hurt or accidentally hurting margo, they all slowly started moving a loose but sturdy pile of leaves, branches, and boards under the branch and add pillows and mattresses found among the debris which makes dom feel more safer as he takes a deep breath, holding margo closer and tightly to him before swinging his leg over and falling off landing on the mattresses and pillows, being helped up as a woman holds margo who wakes up a bit startled immediately climbing back in dom's arms as they pull the pile back on land "How the hell are you still conscious?" he looks at a man who didn't seem much older than him shrugging his shoulders as he limps. You cry out as you hit your back against a hard pile of metal seeing blood drip down your side as you reach for a rope hanging from part of a metal pole but as you reach feeling the rope against your fingertips the metal pile bursts and you fall back in the water screaming as you feel the adrenaline wear off in your body as you try to keep your head out of the water until you finally pass out underwater only seeing the darkness of the water around you and the little bit of blood mixed in the water until you see black, what you didn't know was after you passed out, you are saved by a small group of people who saw you fall in the water while they were climbing on part of a building and one of the men jumped in and managed to pull you up and get you to the building and the others pulled you up and laid you down, horrified of the injuries you had, your face being so swelled, bruised, and blood from cuts that made you almost unrecognizable. "Here" dom turns to see the same young woman who seemed younger than him placing a blanket across his shoulders and wrapping it to cover margo "Thank you.." she sits next to him and slowly they talk to each other "Opal..that's my name" he shows a small smile introducing himself then the group continue onwards towards a hotel that they found out was still completely intact from the tsunami waves being smaller and only flooding by and around it, dom stops when he sees a torn part of familiar lavender clothing on the ground covered in mud and blood making his heart race as he picks it up and immediately tears up seeing that it's from your dress you were wearing when the tsunami hit, he falls to his knees and cries in his hands begging god to let you live as the others look at him in sadness, being hugged by opal with margo on her hip and the boy from earlier named Jake who was with his dad on the island from Australia, he walks with them as tears flowed more and he quietly sobs. You wake up to see a young boy next to you holding your hand, 5 or 6 you guessed as you feel a hand on your face turning to see a red headed woman above you "Glad your okay" she shows a quick smile before pouring water on your hands seeing all the caked up mud, dirt, and blood wash off as you realize how vulnerable you were only having most of your dress torn off except the part covering your chest and shoulders and your shorts underneath gone leaving you in your underwear, you try to cover yourself but she stops you "No hey it's okay you're not the only one" you realize that most of her clothes were also gone or torn as the little boy gently moves a small strand of hair out of your face, you hear footsteps not being able to see out of your right eye and your vision being blurry in your left but the voice makes you choke up "My god you're alive!" you wrap your arms around ajani happy to know that he was okay as he sits by you "You are such a strong person, no one else would be alive at this point" you chuckle as you look at the little boy who shyly waves at you telling you his name was Avi and the woman was his aunt Shira.

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