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The three of you hold each other's hands as you sit in the back of the rented van, the three of you were in Mexico with Angie and Rey to have a break for awhile. You all keep your eyes away from the windows, not wanting to see the ocean or beach at all since the tsunami and all three of you were still recovering despite how much each of you slowly improved since getting home and recovering from all your injuries as well as a long grieving process for the friends you both had lost from what happened, you smile at angie who gives Margo a mexican candy she got from a small vendor after you all got out and explored the small town full of colors, people, music, and food as you all talk before sitting down and eating lunch before more exploring and dinner. The next day after having breakfast, you all enjoy the calm melodies playing from a guitar as you walk until you realize that you were all walking down a walkway to a beach which makes margo grab and hold on to you while you and Dom hold each other's hands tightly as rey and angie stop seeing how fearful the two of you were feeling their hearts break as the three of you fearfully back away and back into town, you all had dinner together receiving apologies from the two about it here and there but you reassure them that they didn't need to apologize since you all each still had a stretch of road to recovery, later that night you wake up and see margo looking out while standing on the balcony. You sit next to her as she looks at you "What's wrong baby?" she looks back at the beach and you immediately feel the feeling from earlier coming back, you both look at each other as dom puts his hand on your shoulder and the three of you get up and walk hand in hand, you all anxiously and emotionally walk down the walkway and down to the beach until you were a few feet away from the ocean, you walk until you felt the water calmly flow over your feet as you openly cry feeling every suffocating and exhausting emotion drain out of you until you smile and feel like you could breathe again, you turn to the two who stood behind you offering your hands to them as they twitch fearfully until margo walks as you starts to cry "I'm scared" you lean down with your arms open and wrap her in them as soon as she puts her arms around your shoulders. You hold her as she sobs that turn to sniffles after feeling the waves over her feet hearing crying above you, you immediately pull dom in your arms after he takes the final step to stand next to you "We all did it, it's okay we're together" margo hugs on dom's leg as he takes a deep breath "I'm not scared anymore mama" you both smile as you all walk down the beach hand in hand for a few minutes before you head back to your shared room with a sleeping margo in dom's arms tightly hugging each other and sharing a loving kiss as you lay down in bed "I'm proud of you mi vida" you smile as he places his hand on your bump "I'm proud of both of you" the both of you join rey and angie on the beach after and slowly but surely before the trip ended, the three of you were swimming and laughing together on the beach feeling truly safe and okay again.

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